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Brazil's Energy Solution
3:13 mins
Windows Media
Aug 05, 2007
Scientists in Brazil have succeeded in developing a cleaner cheaper alternative to gasoline. As Trish Regan reports sugarcane ethanol has some amazing benefits. CBS (March 29)
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The Future Of Energy Is Here
2:38 mins
Mar 23, 2007
What Oil Co. Don't Want You To Know! Imagine Never Buying Gas Or Batteries Again! Very Cheap And 100% Clean! It Uses Something As Simple As A Permanent Magnet! The Future Of Power Is Right Around The Corner And This Video Will Show You A Glimps Of The New Tech Is. This new power is needed so bad ...
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How the End Began - Part 1 of 12
5:01 mins
Jan 27, 2008
The Age of Cheap Oil is ending. This film details why, and how our leaders are preparing for it. "Peak Oil" is the motive for some of this century's greatest crimes.
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Hydrogen Cars, High Petrol Prices and Geothermal hopes
7:29 mins
A Green Energy Corporation
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The U.S. has spent $3,756,166,946,410.81 importing dirty fossil fuels.
Don't you think it's time for a change?
Hydrogen is a cleaner alternative and when burned with gasoline or diesel it drastically reduces pollutants. Not to mention a significant increase in gas mileage and performance.
See what Mazda is doing with hydrogen.
See what we are doing with hydrogen . . .Click Here
News Feed
Yahoo! News Search Results for hydrogen cars
2008-06-13, 18:40h
Hollywood stars hyping hydrogen cars (Los Angeles Times)
Still a long road ahead for hydrogen vehicles (San Jose Mercury News) This week's U.S. debut of Volkswagen's zero-emission, hydrogen-powered Tiguan Hymotion sport-utility in the Bay Area illustrates both the promise and the pitfalls of a type of alternative-fuel vehicle that many automakers are developing.
More alternative fuel cars heading to S'pore (Straits Times) GERMANY automaker Daimler Ag is preparing to launch its next generation of fuel cell cars, four years after it introduced to the world the first electric cars to generate its own power from hydrogen.
Hydrogen Cars? Prototype Hydrogen Storage Tank Maintains Extended Thermal Endurance (Science Daily) A cryogenic pressure vessel developed and installed in an experimental hybrid vehicle can hold liquid hydrogen for six days without venting any of the fuel. Unlike conventional liquid hydrogen tanks in prototype cars, the new pressure vessel was parked for six days without venting evaporated hydrogen vapor.
Japanese Company Says Laws of Physics Don't Apply — to Cars (Slashdot) Fantastic Lad, among many others, points out another in a long series of claimed "powered by water" cars, this one by a Japanese company called "Genepax," which interestingly enough does not have so much as a Wikipedia entry. What's scary is the uncritical, even serious-sounding, presentation by Reuters of such extraordinary claims quite unbacked by extraordinary evidence. "Almost sounds too ...
Powered by poop (Canada.com) Some California drivers may tool around in poop-powered cars as early as next year. They can fill up at a sewage treatment facility run by the Orange County Sanitation District, which plans to turn the inflow of excrement and other waste into hydrogen for vehicles that run on fuel-cell systems.
General Motors and Clean Energy Working to Expand Hydrogen Fueling Infrastructure (Centre Daily Times) General Motors Corp. (NYSE:GM) and Clean Energy Fuels Corp. (Nasdaq:CLNE) announced today Clean Energy will open a hydrogen fueling station in Los Angeles with support from GM. The two companies also announced that they are exploring further opportunities to expand the hydrogen infrastructure.
RSS box by p3k.org.
Vodcast - Road Vlog - Hydrogen Cars, High Petrol Prices and Geothermal hopes Hydrogen Cars have for a long time been the hope of many for a clean, cheap alternative to petrol cars. One of the main problems with Hydrogen though has been the amount of green house gases it takes to produce it. In to...
The economics of renewables Cheap alternatives
Jul 5th 2007 From The Economist print editionAcademics and advocates debate the true cost of wind and solar power
CHEERLEADERS for renewable energy are fond of pointing out that patches of desert receive enough energy each year from sunlight to power the entire world. But few deign to explain how the construction of the millions of solar cells required to convert that energy into electricity would be financed. Utility bosses and policymakers tend to dismiss wind and solar power as noble but expensive distractions, sustainable only through lavish subsidies. But new studies suggest that renewables might not be as dear as sceptics suspect.
In a report that was due out on July 6th Greenpeace, an environmental group, argues that utilities would save money by investing in renewables. Windmills may cost more to build, the logic runs, but they do not require the purchase of fuel, unlike coal- or gas-fired power plants. Those future fuel costs, Greenpeace says, massively outweigh the extra investment costs of renewables. If nuclear power were phased out and renewables' share of generation rose dramatically, it calculates the average annual savings between 2004 and 2030 would be $180 billion.
These figures, of course, rely on all sorts of questionable assumptions. In Greenpeace's scenario, the prices of gas and coal will rise, despite stagnating consumption of the former, and a steep drop in demand for the latter. It also helps that the future as Greenpeace sees it includes a big dose of energy efficiency, although its business-as-usual projections do not. Utilities, at any rate, must not be making the same assumptions, since they continue to invest in power plants run on fossil fuels.
Other studies make a slightly less sweeping claim: that adding wind power to the grid can reduce the overall cost of electricity. The marginal cost of producing wind power is almost nothing, since the fuel—wind—is free. So on a windy day, the cheapest power comes from wind turbines. That power, in turn, displaces generation from sources with higher fuel costs, such as gas-fired plants. So power prices tend to fall when the wind is blowing. Nuon, a Dutch utility, calculates that in 2005 the average power price on the local spot market was over €45 ($56) per megawatt hour when there was no wind, but under €30 when the average wind-speed topped 13 metres per second.
Researchers in Denmark have gone a step further and put a value on this effect. They believe that wind power shaved 1 billion kroner ($167m) off Danish electricity bills in 2005. On the other hand, Danish consumers also paid 1.4 billion kroner in subsidies for wind power. But this year, reckons Rune Moesgaard of the Danish Wind Industry Association, wind power will actually save consumers money for the first time, as the benefits resulting from lower power prices outweigh the falling cost of the subsidy.
Copyright © 2008 The Economist Newspaper and The Economist Group. All rights reserved.
Brazil's Energy Solution
3:13 mins
Windows Media
Aug 05, 2007
Scientists in Brazil have succeeded in developing a cleaner cheaper alternative to gasoline. As Trish Regan reports sugarcane ethanol has some amazing benefits. CBS (March 29)
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The Future Of Energy Is Here
2:38 mins
Mar 23, 2007
What Oil Co. Don't Want You To Know! Imagine Never Buying Gas Or Batteries Again! Very Cheap And 100% Clean! It Uses Something As Simple As A Permanent Magnet! The Future Of Power Is Right Around The Corner And This Video Will Show You A Glimps Of The New Tech Is. This new power is needed so bad ...
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How the End Began - Part 1 of 12
5:01 mins
Jan 27, 2008
The Age of Cheap Oil is ending. This film details why, and how our leaders are preparing for it. "Peak Oil" is the motive for some of this century's greatest crimes.
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Hydrogen Cars, High Petrol Prices and Geothermal hopes
7:29 mins
A Green Energy Corporation
HomeDo Hydrogen Boost Systems Really Work?Hydrogen Boost ProductsHydrogen Boost FAQMore VideosWhat's New?
About Thermo1.com
ContactThermoelectricEnergy Ideas
Hydrogen From Heat
Designing Your Own Thermoelectric System
Ohms Law Calculator
The U.S. has spent $3,756,166,946,410.81 importing dirty fossil fuels.
Don't you think it's time for a change?
Hydrogen is a cleaner alternative and when burned with gasoline or diesel it drastically reduces pollutants. Not to mention a significant increase in gas mileage and performance.
See what Mazda is doing with hydrogen.
See what we are doing with hydrogen . . .Click Here
News Feed
Yahoo! News Search Results for hydrogen cars
2008-06-13, 18:40h
Hollywood stars hyping hydrogen cars (Los Angeles Times)
Still a long road ahead for hydrogen vehicles (San Jose Mercury News) This week's U.S. debut of Volkswagen's zero-emission, hydrogen-powered Tiguan Hymotion sport-utility in the Bay Area illustrates both the promise and the pitfalls of a type of alternative-fuel vehicle that many automakers are developing.
More alternative fuel cars heading to S'pore (Straits Times) GERMANY automaker Daimler Ag is preparing to launch its next generation of fuel cell cars, four years after it introduced to the world the first electric cars to generate its own power from hydrogen.
Hydrogen Cars? Prototype Hydrogen Storage Tank Maintains Extended Thermal Endurance (Science Daily) A cryogenic pressure vessel developed and installed in an experimental hybrid vehicle can hold liquid hydrogen for six days without venting any of the fuel. Unlike conventional liquid hydrogen tanks in prototype cars, the new pressure vessel was parked for six days without venting evaporated hydrogen vapor.
Japanese Company Says Laws of Physics Don't Apply — to Cars (Slashdot) Fantastic Lad, among many others, points out another in a long series of claimed "powered by water" cars, this one by a Japanese company called "Genepax," which interestingly enough does not have so much as a Wikipedia entry. What's scary is the uncritical, even serious-sounding, presentation by Reuters of such extraordinary claims quite unbacked by extraordinary evidence. "Almost sounds too ...
Powered by poop (Canada.com) Some California drivers may tool around in poop-powered cars as early as next year. They can fill up at a sewage treatment facility run by the Orange County Sanitation District, which plans to turn the inflow of excrement and other waste into hydrogen for vehicles that run on fuel-cell systems.
General Motors and Clean Energy Working to Expand Hydrogen Fueling Infrastructure (Centre Daily Times) General Motors Corp. (NYSE:GM) and Clean Energy Fuels Corp. (Nasdaq:CLNE) announced today Clean Energy will open a hydrogen fueling station in Los Angeles with support from GM. The two companies also announced that they are exploring further opportunities to expand the hydrogen infrastructure.
RSS box by p3k.org.
Vodcast - Road Vlog - Hydrogen Cars, High Petrol Prices and Geothermal hopes Hydrogen Cars have for a long time been the hope of many for a clean, cheap alternative to petrol cars. One of the main problems with Hydrogen though has been the amount of green house gases it takes to produce it. In to...
The economics of renewables Cheap alternatives
Jul 5th 2007 From The Economist print editionAcademics and advocates debate the true cost of wind and solar power
CHEERLEADERS for renewable energy are fond of pointing out that patches of desert receive enough energy each year from sunlight to power the entire world. But few deign to explain how the construction of the millions of solar cells required to convert that energy into electricity would be financed. Utility bosses and policymakers tend to dismiss wind and solar power as noble but expensive distractions, sustainable only through lavish subsidies. But new studies suggest that renewables might not be as dear as sceptics suspect.
In a report that was due out on July 6th Greenpeace, an environmental group, argues that utilities would save money by investing in renewables. Windmills may cost more to build, the logic runs, but they do not require the purchase of fuel, unlike coal- or gas-fired power plants. Those future fuel costs, Greenpeace says, massively outweigh the extra investment costs of renewables. If nuclear power were phased out and renewables' share of generation rose dramatically, it calculates the average annual savings between 2004 and 2030 would be $180 billion.
These figures, of course, rely on all sorts of questionable assumptions. In Greenpeace's scenario, the prices of gas and coal will rise, despite stagnating consumption of the former, and a steep drop in demand for the latter. It also helps that the future as Greenpeace sees it includes a big dose of energy efficiency, although its business-as-usual projections do not. Utilities, at any rate, must not be making the same assumptions, since they continue to invest in power plants run on fossil fuels.
Other studies make a slightly less sweeping claim: that adding wind power to the grid can reduce the overall cost of electricity. The marginal cost of producing wind power is almost nothing, since the fuel—wind—is free. So on a windy day, the cheapest power comes from wind turbines. That power, in turn, displaces generation from sources with higher fuel costs, such as gas-fired plants. So power prices tend to fall when the wind is blowing. Nuon, a Dutch utility, calculates that in 2005 the average power price on the local spot market was over €45 ($56) per megawatt hour when there was no wind, but under €30 when the average wind-speed topped 13 metres per second.
Researchers in Denmark have gone a step further and put a value on this effect. They believe that wind power shaved 1 billion kroner ($167m) off Danish electricity bills in 2005. On the other hand, Danish consumers also paid 1.4 billion kroner in subsidies for wind power. But this year, reckons Rune Moesgaard of the Danish Wind Industry Association, wind power will actually save consumers money for the first time, as the benefits resulting from lower power prices outweigh the falling cost of the subsidy.
Copyright © 2008 The Economist Newspaper and The Economist Group. All rights reserved.
June 17
When can we Expect Cheap Energy Alternatives, from Congress?
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Saturday, June 14, 2008
When can we Expect Cheap Energy Alternatives, from Congress?
When can we Expect Cheap Energy Alternatives, from Congress?
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News Video/Audio Results for "Peak Oil"(Results 1 - 1 of about 1)
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Peak Oil WorriesCNBC via Yahoo! News - May 20 5:11 AM
When Oil Production Peaks Will you be left behind? Get the facts about oil & gas. (Do it now, before it's too late.).
How to Convert Your Car to Run on WATER Double Your Gas Mileage by Running Your Car on Water. Costs $49.
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Write to your elected Representatives in Congress
It's important to let your elected representatives know that you want them to support American Energy Independence.
It's Easy
Write a letter to the two U.S. Senators representing the state where you live, and also write to the U.S. Congressman representing your District. Here is a letter that you can use. But feel free to add your own thoughts and comments. You can find your representative's name and address using the links provided in step 2.
Dear Senator last name here,
Dear Representative last name here,
The United States spends more money protecting Middle East oil and fighting terrorism than it would cost to develop new energy technology that would obsolete oil as a source of energy. The connection between terrorism and Middle East oil wealth can no longer be ignored.
It is time for America to lead the development of new energy technology that would end the need for oil as a source of energy. Freeing America, and all other industrial countries, from the need to use fossil oil as a source of energy will cut-off the flow of oil money to the Middle East and put an end to the financial support of militant Islam.
With the help of new technology, America’s energy needs can be obtained from sources other than fossil oil.
American technology has put a man on the moon, mapped the human genome, and successfully landed robotic exploration vehicles on Mars. It seems reasonable to believe that American scientists and engineers could also develop environmentally safe alternative energy technology to free America from dependence on fossil oil.
The United States has over 270 billion tons of proven coal reserves, having the energy equivalent of four times the oil reserves of Saudi Arabia and equal to all of the proven oil reserves in the world. If the United States could use its coal reserves without destroying the environment, foreign oil would not be needed.
Nuclear energy can produce the hydrogen and provide the intense heat needed to make synthetic oil from coal.
Nuclear power is a proven emission-free energy source that can replace gas and coal fired base-load electric power generation plants, and enable the USA to develop a replacement for our oil based transportation fuel. The replacement of coal power plants with nuclear power plants would reduce America’s atmospheric CO2 emissions by 30%.
The USA does not need to wait for a hydrogen economy; nuclear power can begin to give America energy independence now, by providing the process heat and hydrogen needed for the manufacture of synthetic oil from coal. If nuclear heat and nuclear hydrogen are used in the manufacture of synthetic oil from coal, then the yield of oil from coal would be much higher than if coal was used to provide the needed hydrogen and process heat.
Using synthetic gasoline and diesel made from coal, to provide transportation fuel, would not reduce CO2 produced by cars and trucks on the nation's highways, nor would it increase atmospheric CO2 because it would merely replace existing consumption of gasoline and diesel. However, it is possible to have zero emission gasoline/diesel cars and trucks. If technology is used to remove the CO2 tailpipe emissions directly from the atmosphere after the CO2 is released from the tailpipe. In other words, allow cars and trucks to release CO2 and then clean the atmosphere using technology designed to remove CO2 from the air. The collected CO2 can either be recycled or sequestered.
If coal power plants were replaced by nuclear power plants, for base-load electricity, and coal is used to make synthetic gasoline and diesel, then Americans who are dependent on the coal mining industry for their incomes would support nuclear energy.
Modern Coal-to-oil technology can free America from dependence on Middle East oil. One billion tons of coal per year, at 3 barrels of oil per ton, would replace 65% of USA imported oil, and provide jobs for people who depend on the coal industry. At 12 million imported barrels per day, 65% is 7,800,000 barrels per day. Just over 20% of oil imported into the USA today comes from Persian Gulf Nations, which are also members of OPEC. Less than 45% of oil imported into the USA today comes from OPEC.
Drilling for new petroleum might help in the short term, but in the long term natural petroleum is not sustainable — we cannot depend upon crude oil for our energy future. However, the development of technology for the production of synthetic petroleum will create a sustainable energy future. Synthetic hydrocarbon fuels such as synthetic diesel and synthetic gasoline can be made from many different sources of raw material, including renewable biomass. America has an abundance of natural raw materials that can be used to make synthetic petroleum.
A large-scale public investment in Gas-To-Liquids (GTL) technology would bring the cost of the technology down so that the manufacture of synthetic petroleum would be competitive with fossil oil production. The current interest in Gas-To-Liquids technology is focused on monetizing otherwise worthless remote natural gas deposits. However, variations on the same technology can be used to make synthetic petroleum from synthesis gas derived from coal, oil sands, oil shale, biomass, or even recycled CO2 in combination with hydrogen extracted from water.
Synthetic gasoline and synthetic diesel made from synthetic petroleum can power existing cars and trucks without needing to modify the engines or national fuel distribution infrastructure.
Details and links to more information about new energy technologies can be found on the American Energy Independence web site.
Congress needs to fund advanced research and development of new energy technology. The United States needs to move forward with the development of sustainable sources of energy, and do so with the urgency of a national security mandate.
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Note: Elected representatives regard their constituents' comments with a high degree of respect - include your name and address in your letter or email so they will know that you live and vote in their district.
If you are sending an email be sure to enter: American Energy Independence into the subject line.
Here are links that will provide you with your representatives name and address:
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Copyright © 2003-2008 Ron Bengtson. Boise, Idaho USA
Ron Bengtson can be reached via e-mail Ron@AmericanEnergyIndependence.com
American Energy Independence Day 2008 - America Get Involved!
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