American Energy Independence - America Get Involved!
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A powerful idea is spreading through America. It is a call to this generation to take action and decide the course of "...in my opinion, there never was a good War, or a bad Peace. What vast additions to the Conveniences and Comforts of Living might Mankind have acquired, if the Money spent in Wars had been employed in Works of public utility!"— Benjamin Franklin, 1783 - quoted from a letter to Joseph Banks. Read: The Cost of American Energy Independence history by declaring and fighting for American Energy Independence.
Following the 1973 Arab oil embargo, the idea of energy independence captured the imagination of the American people. Then during the 1980's, increased automobile fuel efficiency and new oil discoveries created a surplus of oil on the world market, and America's enthusiasm for energy independence faded into memory. Now, more than thirty years after the oil embargo, re-awakened by the terrorist attack on 9/11 and war in the Middle East, the idea of American energy independence has returned with a vengeance, becoming a powerful force shaping the political views of a new generation of Americans.
Oil is no longer viewed as just another commodity. In the minds and hearts of the American people, oil has become associated with terrorism, political corruption, corporate greed, and global warming.
The 1973 Arab oil embargo interrupted the flow of oil causing severe gasoline shortages and long lines at gas stations. The embargo exposed America's growing oil dependence and gave the American people their first warning of the price they would pay for continued dependence on imported oil. The 1979 Iranian revolution interrupted the flow of oil again — this was the second warning, signaling the urgent need for American Energy Independence. The 1991 Persian Gulf War was a military intervention to stop one dictator from taking control of Middle East oil — this was the third and most severe warning. Failure to make energy independence the nation's highest priority after the Gulf War demonstrated that the United States did not have the political will to free itself from dependence on foreign oil.
September 11, 2001 was a preview of America's future – one possible future.
America stands at a crossroad, a choice between two very different futures. One choice leads to increased dependence on foreign oil and a future dominated by terrorism and war. The other choice leads to American energy independence and a world economy that is no longer desperate for oil.
Today, the world consumes over 80 million barrels of oil every day (over 30 billion barrels per year); the USA alone consumes over 20 million barrels per day (over 7 billion barrels per year). At $100 per barrel, the global petroleum industry is a three trillion dollar a year business. Development of alternative energy to free the world from oil dependence will create a seismic shift within the economic foundation of the world.
Strength and National Security through Energy Independence
Future wars could be prevented if everyone who has taken a stand against the war in Iraq would turn their passion toward the goal of American Energy Independence. Standing against war is not enough – Standing together for Energy Independence will create a positive political force and a shared national dream.
Oil is a natural source of energy, but it is not the only source of energy. With the help of new technology, America's energy needs can be obtained from sources other than petroleum. American technology has put a man on the moon, mapped the human genome, and successfully landed robotic exploration vehicles on Mars. It seems reasonable to believe that American scientists and engineers could also develop environmentally safe alternative energy technology that would free America from oil dependence.
It is time for America to lead the development of new energy technology that will free the USA and the entire world from dependence on oil. Freedom from oil dependence will cut-off the flow of oil money to the Middle East and put an end to the financial support of militant Islam.
The global expansion of militant Islam is financed by Middle East oil wealth. In the U.S. oil means gasoline. Every time you fill your gas tank, some of the money will find its way into the hands of Islamic extremists who are planning the next terrorist attack.
Is there anyone who still cannot see the connection between the flow of oil money into the Middle East and the flow of terrorism out of the Middle East?
"The meteoric rise of oil revenues in the 20th century meant a new era for Islam; oil revenues were the catalyst that converted passive resentment into Islamic Terrorism... " Nexus—OIL and AL Qaeda By Frank H. Denton, Ph.D, U.S. Foreign Service (Retired).
"The rise of terrorism by militant Islam against the United States and the West coincided with the rise in oil prices of 1979-80 and the subsequent transfer of hundreds of billions of dollars from the West to Muslim countries." – Max Singer, senior fellow, The Hudson Institute.
How billions in oil money spawned a global terror network:
"Starting in the late 1980s—after the dual shocks of the Iranian revolution and the Soviet war in Afghanistan—Saudi Arabia's quasi-official charities became the primary source of funds for the fast-growing jihad movement. In some 20 countries, the money was used to run paramilitary training camps, purchase weapons, and recruit new members. The charities were part of an extraordinary $70 billion Saudi campaign to spread their fundamentalist Wahhabi sect worldwide. The money helped lay the foundation for hundreds of radical mosques, schools, and Islamic centers that have acted as support networks for the jihad movement..." The Saudi Connection By David E. Kaplan U.S.News & World Report
"Exactly how much the Saudis have spent to spread Wahhabism is unclear." David D. Aufhauser, a former Treasury Department general counsel, told a Senate committee that estimates went north of $75 billion. "The total spent annually is between $2 billion and $2.5 billion," he said.
Wahhabism is a fundamentalist Islamic movement that has its roots in the extreme Islamic Takfiri ideology, which is a religious belief that encourages its followers to use violence as a means to achieve their goals.
The war against Islamic terrorism cannot be won without cutting off the flow of oil money to the Middle East
Thomas Friedman The New York Times Pulitzer Prize-winning foreign affairs columnist "No matter what happens in Iraq, we cannot dry up the swamps of authoritarianism and violent Islamism in the Middle East without also drying up our consumption of oil—thereby bringing down the price of crude. A democratization policy in the Middle East without a different energy policy at home is a waste of time, money and, most important, the lives of our young people. We need a president... "
"At the dawn of the twenty-first century, the country that faced down the tyranny of fascism and communism is now called to challenge the tyranny of oil. For the very resource that has fueled our way of life over the last hundred years now threatens to destroy it if our generation does not act now and act boldly. We know what the dangers are here. We know that our oil addiction is jeopardizing our national security - that we fuel our energy needs by sending $800 million a day to countries that include some of the most despotic, volatile regimes in the world. We know that oil money funds everything from the madrassas that plant the seeds of terror in young minds to the Sunni insurgents that attack our troops in Iraq." U.S. Senator Barack Obama Speech on Energy Policy: Watch the Video or Read the TextMay 07, 2007 The Detroit Economic Club
"Al Qaeda must revel in the irony that America is effectively helping to fund both sides of the war.... As we sacrifice blood and treasure, some of our gas dollars flow to the fanatics who build the bombs, hatch the plots, and carry out attacks on our soldiers and citizens.... The transfer of American wealth to the Middle East helps sustain the conditions on which terrorists prey."U.S. Senator John McCain Speech on Energy Policy: Watch the Video or Read the TextApril 23, 2007 Center for Strategic and International Studies
Energy: The Most Important Issue of 2008 — Speech given by U.S. Senator Richard Lugar (R-IN) on December 18, 2007 at the Brookings Institution on U.S. Energy Security and the 2008 Presidential Election. "Today, I would state unequivocally, that energy security and the economic and environmental issues closely associated with it should be the most important topics of the 2008 Presidential election. I say this deliberately, notwithstanding the existence of extremely important immediate concerns such as the war in Iraq and the performance of the American economy, as well as persistent public policy struggles that have confronted us for decades, such as deficit reduction, health care, and social security. I say this even in the context of my own long standing evangelism related to non-proliferation and arms reduction, issues which I believe have not diminished in importance. "Three factors lead me to the conclusion that energy is the most vital topic of this Presidential election: "First, energy is the issue with the widest gulf between what is required to make our nation secure and what is likely to be achieved through the inertia of existing programs and Congressional proposals. As such, it is the issue on which meaningful progress most depends on the great intangible in American public policymaking – the application of dramatic, visionary, and sustained Presidential leadership. "Congress and private enterprise can make evolutionary energy advancements, but revolutionary national progress in the energy field probably is dependent on presidential action. Our energy dependence is perpetuated by a lack of national will and focus. Only the President has the visibility to elevate a cause to national status, and only the President can leverage the buying power, regulatory authority, and legislative leadership of an administration behind solving a problem that is highly conducive to political procrastination and partisanship. "Second, transformational energy policies are likely to be a requirement for achieving our economic and social aspirations here at home. In an era when exploding global demand for energy creates high prices and fears of scarcity, the U.S. economy is likely to continue to underperform. Our ability to address social security, health care, education, and overall budget problems will be heavily encumbered over both the short and the long run if we do not mitigate our energy import dependence. Almost any scenario for recession will be deepened by high energy costs. Moreover, many of the most severe recession scenarios involve sustained energy disruptions due to terrorism, war, embargo, or natural disaster. "Third, energy is the underlying condition that exacerbates almost every major foreign policy issue. We pressure Sudan to stop genocide in Darfur, but we find that the Sudanese government is insulated by oil revenue and oil supply relationships. We pressure Iran to stop its uranium enrichment activities, yet key nations are hesitant to endanger their access to Iran's oil and natural gas. We try to foster global respect for civil society and human rights, yet oil revenues flowing to authoritarian governments are often diverted to corrupt or repressive purposes. We fight terrorism, yet some of the hundreds of billions of dollars we spend each year on oil imports are diverted to terrorists. We give foreign assistance to lift people out of poverty, yet energy-poor countries are further impoverished by expensive energy import bills. We seek options that would allow for military disengagement in Iraq and the wider Middle East, yet our way of life depends on a steady stream of oil from that region. American national security will be at risk as long as we are heavily dependent on imported energy."
The final 2008 U.S. Presidential candidates, John McCain and Barack Obama, have voiced their support for energy independence. For this reason, American voters will choose a pro-energy independence candidate for President in 2008. However, voters should understand that Republicans and Democrats define energy independence differently.
While some Republicans reject the idea of energy independence, most Republicans acknowledge and accept the need for energy security; indeed, many Republicans are passionate about it. Republican candidates who advocate energy independence are talking about economic and global energy security. When Republican candidates speak of energy independence they are campaigning for expanding oil production in Alaska and opening the oil fields off the coast of California (an oil resource potentially larger than Iraq). Republicans want all of America's natural resources available for energy production, including all federal lands that hold oil, natural gas, coal and oil shale deposits. The estimated 800 billion barrels of recoverable oil from oil shale located in the United States is three times greater than the proven oil reserves of Saudi Arabia. Republicans also support the development of technology to produce coal-to-liquid transportation fuels—an American resource that is greater than all of the oil in the Middle East.
On the other hand, when Democrats speak of energy independence they are usually talking about independence from any and all fossil fuels as well as independence from nuclear energy. Democrats tend to play down or deny the threat of oil financed Islamic militancy, preferring instead to focus on the threat of Global Warming.
It is important to acknowledge that energy independence and global warming are separate issues. American voters need to understand the relative priority. Global Warming is a sustainability issue that must be solved as the world progresses toward complete global modernization. In contrast, global oil dependence is an immediate threat, a clear and present danger. Metaphorically speaking, the threat of greenhouse gas emissions is like the threat of cancer from prolonged cigarette smoking; In contrast, the threat of oil financed terrorism is like a coiled rattlesnake immediately on the path in front of a day-dreaming hiker.
OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) produces about 40% of the world's oil today, which translates to OPEC getting 40 cents on every dollar paid for oil anywhere in the world. Current OPEC members are Algeria, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Venezuela. All are Islamic countries except Venezuela which has partnered with Iran.
In 2007, over 700 billion dollars flowed into OPEC from oil hungry countries around the world. How much of that money was given to support the worldwide advance of Islamic terrorism? With rising oil prices, OPEC revenue is expected to exceed one trillion dollars in 2008.
It doesn't matter where oil comes from. If the oil comes from a well in Wyoming, California, Texas, Canada, Mexico, Russia, or the North Sea it doesn't make any difference because oil is a global commodity. The price is the same for everyone in the world. Demand anywhere increases demand everywhere. So it is always true that OPEC gets 40 cents on every dollar paid for oil anywhere in the world. It averages out to that fact.
Islamic terrorism, as a global threat to civilization, cannot sustain itself without the massive oil revenue that finances it. (That does not mean their feelings and beliefs will not sustain, it just means they will have limited influence without the oil wealth.) Islamic militancy is emboldened by the perception of power and dominance that Islam derives from the world's dependence on oil — oil that the world must get from Arab countries. Eliminate world oil dependence and the Islamic extremists will be deflated psychologically.
Ronald Reagan is credited for defeating Communism without firing a shot; by economically isolating and suffocating the Soviet Union, while at the same time enticing their leaders and people toward freedom. In a similar way, initiating action toward achieving global independence from petroleum (as a source of energy) will lead to the defeat of Islamic terrorism.
"...in my opinion, there never was a good War, or a bad Peace. What vast additions to the Conveniences and Comforts of Living might Mankind have acquired, if the Money spent in Wars had been employed in Works of public utility!"— Benjamin Franklin, 1783 - quoted from a letter to Joseph Banks. Read: The Cost of American Energy Independence
References:1973 oil embargo1979 energy crisis1991 Persian Gulf War2003 Iraq war - In ProgressThe Hubbert Peak for World Oil ProductionWorld Oil Market and Oil Price Chronologies: 1970 - 2005
Recommended reading: Islam and oil By Ron Bengtson, Founder, AmericanEnergyIndep endence.comOur Energy Challenge By Nobel Laureate Richard E. Smalley Nexus—OIL and AL Qaeda By Frank H. Denton, PhD
Online Articles:Addicted to Oil — Discovery Channel documentary, reported by Pulitzer Prize-winning foreign affairs columnist, Thomas L. Friedman Saudi Time Bomb — A PBS investigationEnding the Oil Era — An interview with former CIA director James Woolsey The Saudi Connection — David E. Kaplan "How billions in oil money spawned a global terror network" Islam's political insurgency in Europe — Daniel StrieffSaudi textbooks preach intolerance, hate — Lisa MyersEnergy for America's Future—Security for the 21st CenturyPresident Bush — Demonstration of Alternative Fuel Automobiles A solution to the energy crisis has been under our nose for decades — Elizabeth Spiers, CNNMoney.comPresident Bush Discusses Energy at St. Louis Renewable Energy Conference — "We need to diversify away from oil for economic reasons. We live in a global world. When the demand for oil goes up in China or in India, it causes the price of crude oil to rise and, since we import about 60 percent of the crude oil we use, it causes our price to go up, as well, which means the economy becomes less competitive. And then, of course, there's the national security concern for oil. Why? Well, we get oil from some countries who don't particularly care for us. They don't like what we stand for. They don't like it when we say, for the sake of peace, let us work in a way that we don't develop nuclear weapons, for example." How Close Is Iran to Having Nuclear Weapons? — Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI), Co-founded by former U.S. Senator Sam Nunn and CNN founder Ted Turner.Oil Hits $100, Jolting Markets — THE WALL STREET JOURNAL, front page, January 3, 2008 The surging price of oil, from just over $10 a barrel a decade ago to $100 in January 2008, is altering the wealth and influence of nations and industries around the world. The long oil-price boom is posing wrenching challenges for the world's poorest nations, while enriching and emboldening producers in the Middle East, Russia and Venezuela. Their increasing muscle has a flip side: a decline of U.S. clout in many parts of the world. U.S. 'On The Edge' of Recession — Former U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan on February 14, 2008 said the U.S. economy is "clearly on the edge" of a recession. High oil prices are dragging on the economy, but the fact that they haven't done more damage shows its resiliency. Crude oil futures hit above $95 a barrel on February 14, 2008 and went above $100 in early January. Greenspan said he would like to see additional use of electric cars. Nuclear power makes the "most sense" to increase U.S. power generation when all trade-offs are weighed; "We have to use nuclear," Greenspan said. $100 oil hurts, just like a recession — CNNMoney.com, March 7, 2008"U.S. consumers spend an extra $5 billion each year for each $1 increase in the price of crude oil... if oil stays at $100 a barrel for the next 12 months, consumers will have shelled out an extra $100 billion for oil by next year. That's an extra $100 billion not being spent at the mall, mega-mart or multiplex... if oil goes to $115 or $120 a barrel—certainly not an outlandish thought given that crude prices have nearly doubled over the last 12 months—$115 oil, along with worsening conditions in the credit and foreign investment market, could be enough to keep the economy in recession through the first part of 2009." Are We Ready for the Next Oil Shock? — FedEx CEO Fred Smith and P.X. Kelley, retired commandant of the Marine Corps and former member of the Joint Chiefs. "Government leadership is absolutely necessary. Many of the most promising solutions on both the demand and supply sides will require decades to mature. Government proposals should align the interests of businesses and individuals with society's goals; for example, tax credits and similar incentives must allow businesses to recover investments and engage in essential long-range planning, and they must account for the high implicit discount rates that consumers apply to future savings. While recent legislation has pointed us in the right direction, bolder action must be taken." Oil prices could continue to rise — Shell CEO John Hofmeister says Congress needs to allow more U.S. offshore drilling: "Unless Congress allows expanded drilling on the outer continental shelf of the United States, fuel prices are going to continue to increase... If we don't bring more oil and gas into the system we're going to have to pay more and more and more... I'd hate to see prices double and triple what they are today because we failed to explore for more gas and oil. Exploration on the continental shelf was severely curtailed 25 years ago after a major oil spill off Santa Barbara in California.. . improvements in technology will allow drilling today without the risk of damage to the environment. .. Here's the reality, We have a 100-year infrastructure of oil and gas. We have to continue to feed that infrastructure to sustain our economic growth model, to sustain our lifestyle."Saudis remain the world's prime source of terror financing — By Josh Meyer, Los Angeles Times April 2, 2008 "Saudi Arabia remains the world's leading source of money for Al Qaeda and other extremist networks and has failed to take key steps requested by U.S. officials to stem the flow... the Saudi government has not taken important steps to go after those who finance terrorist organizations or to prevent wealthy donors from bankrolling extremism through charitable contributions, sometimes unwittingly. Saudi Arabia today remains the location where more money is going to terrorism, to Sunni terror groups and to the Taliban than any other place in the world." How to Avoid Future Iraq Wars —By Kevin McElyea, P.E.
No way out? The barriers to developing an alternative fuels industry are not technical, but social—By Galen J. Suppes, Ph.D. and Truman S. Storvick, Ph.D.
An Improbable Cure for Oil Addiction Financial Times, May 12, 2006 —By Philip H. Gordon, Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy Studies
A guarantee from the U.S. Government to purchase Synthetic petroleum made from American coal or oil shale for $50/barrel (if the supplier could not otherwise receive a higher price) would stimulate the largest capital investment in U.S. history
Write your legislators in Congress today and ask them to support federal incentives for the development of Synthetic Liquid Fuels.
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Copyright © 2003-2008 Ron Bengtson. Boise, Idaho USA Ron Bengtson can be reached via e-mail http://us.f657.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=Ron@AmericanEnergyIndependence.com __._,_.___
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A powerful idea is spreading through America. It is a call to this generation to take action and decide the course of "...in my opinion, there never was a good War, or a bad Peace. What vast additions to the Conveniences and Comforts of Living might Mankind have acquired, if the Money spent in Wars had been employed in Works of public utility!"— Benjamin Franklin, 1783 - quoted from a letter to Joseph Banks. Read: The Cost of American Energy Independence history by declaring and fighting for American Energy Independence.
Following the 1973 Arab oil embargo, the idea of energy independence captured the imagination of the American people. Then during the 1980's, increased automobile fuel efficiency and new oil discoveries created a surplus of oil on the world market, and America's enthusiasm for energy independence faded into memory. Now, more than thirty years after the oil embargo, re-awakened by the terrorist attack on 9/11 and war in the Middle East, the idea of American energy independence has returned with a vengeance, becoming a powerful force shaping the political views of a new generation of Americans.
Oil is no longer viewed as just another commodity. In the minds and hearts of the American people, oil has become associated with terrorism, political corruption, corporate greed, and global warming.
The 1973 Arab oil embargo interrupted the flow of oil causing severe gasoline shortages and long lines at gas stations. The embargo exposed America's growing oil dependence and gave the American people their first warning of the price they would pay for continued dependence on imported oil. The 1979 Iranian revolution interrupted the flow of oil again — this was the second warning, signaling the urgent need for American Energy Independence. The 1991 Persian Gulf War was a military intervention to stop one dictator from taking control of Middle East oil — this was the third and most severe warning. Failure to make energy independence the nation's highest priority after the Gulf War demonstrated that the United States did not have the political will to free itself from dependence on foreign oil.
September 11, 2001 was a preview of America's future – one possible future.
America stands at a crossroad, a choice between two very different futures. One choice leads to increased dependence on foreign oil and a future dominated by terrorism and war. The other choice leads to American energy independence and a world economy that is no longer desperate for oil.
Today, the world consumes over 80 million barrels of oil every day (over 30 billion barrels per year); the USA alone consumes over 20 million barrels per day (over 7 billion barrels per year). At $100 per barrel, the global petroleum industry is a three trillion dollar a year business. Development of alternative energy to free the world from oil dependence will create a seismic shift within the economic foundation of the world.
Strength and National Security through Energy Independence
Future wars could be prevented if everyone who has taken a stand against the war in Iraq would turn their passion toward the goal of American Energy Independence. Standing against war is not enough – Standing together for Energy Independence will create a positive political force and a shared national dream.
Oil is a natural source of energy, but it is not the only source of energy. With the help of new technology, America's energy needs can be obtained from sources other than petroleum. American technology has put a man on the moon, mapped the human genome, and successfully landed robotic exploration vehicles on Mars. It seems reasonable to believe that American scientists and engineers could also develop environmentally safe alternative energy technology that would free America from oil dependence.
It is time for America to lead the development of new energy technology that will free the USA and the entire world from dependence on oil. Freedom from oil dependence will cut-off the flow of oil money to the Middle East and put an end to the financial support of militant Islam.
The global expansion of militant Islam is financed by Middle East oil wealth. In the U.S. oil means gasoline. Every time you fill your gas tank, some of the money will find its way into the hands of Islamic extremists who are planning the next terrorist attack.
Is there anyone who still cannot see the connection between the flow of oil money into the Middle East and the flow of terrorism out of the Middle East?
"The meteoric rise of oil revenues in the 20th century meant a new era for Islam; oil revenues were the catalyst that converted passive resentment into Islamic Terrorism... " Nexus—OIL and AL Qaeda By Frank H. Denton, Ph.D, U.S. Foreign Service (Retired).
"The rise of terrorism by militant Islam against the United States and the West coincided with the rise in oil prices of 1979-80 and the subsequent transfer of hundreds of billions of dollars from the West to Muslim countries." – Max Singer, senior fellow, The Hudson Institute.
How billions in oil money spawned a global terror network:
"Starting in the late 1980s—after the dual shocks of the Iranian revolution and the Soviet war in Afghanistan—Saudi Arabia's quasi-official charities became the primary source of funds for the fast-growing jihad movement. In some 20 countries, the money was used to run paramilitary training camps, purchase weapons, and recruit new members. The charities were part of an extraordinary $70 billion Saudi campaign to spread their fundamentalist Wahhabi sect worldwide. The money helped lay the foundation for hundreds of radical mosques, schools, and Islamic centers that have acted as support networks for the jihad movement..." The Saudi Connection By David E. Kaplan U.S.News & World Report
"Exactly how much the Saudis have spent to spread Wahhabism is unclear." David D. Aufhauser, a former Treasury Department general counsel, told a Senate committee that estimates went north of $75 billion. "The total spent annually is between $2 billion and $2.5 billion," he said.
Wahhabism is a fundamentalist Islamic movement that has its roots in the extreme Islamic Takfiri ideology, which is a religious belief that encourages its followers to use violence as a means to achieve their goals.
The war against Islamic terrorism cannot be won without cutting off the flow of oil money to the Middle East
Thomas Friedman The New York Times Pulitzer Prize-winning foreign affairs columnist "No matter what happens in Iraq, we cannot dry up the swamps of authoritarianism and violent Islamism in the Middle East without also drying up our consumption of oil—thereby bringing down the price of crude. A democratization policy in the Middle East without a different energy policy at home is a waste of time, money and, most important, the lives of our young people. We need a president... "
"At the dawn of the twenty-first century, the country that faced down the tyranny of fascism and communism is now called to challenge the tyranny of oil. For the very resource that has fueled our way of life over the last hundred years now threatens to destroy it if our generation does not act now and act boldly. We know what the dangers are here. We know that our oil addiction is jeopardizing our national security - that we fuel our energy needs by sending $800 million a day to countries that include some of the most despotic, volatile regimes in the world. We know that oil money funds everything from the madrassas that plant the seeds of terror in young minds to the Sunni insurgents that attack our troops in Iraq." U.S. Senator Barack Obama Speech on Energy Policy: Watch the Video or Read the TextMay 07, 2007 The Detroit Economic Club
"Al Qaeda must revel in the irony that America is effectively helping to fund both sides of the war.... As we sacrifice blood and treasure, some of our gas dollars flow to the fanatics who build the bombs, hatch the plots, and carry out attacks on our soldiers and citizens.... The transfer of American wealth to the Middle East helps sustain the conditions on which terrorists prey."U.S. Senator John McCain Speech on Energy Policy: Watch the Video or Read the TextApril 23, 2007 Center for Strategic and International Studies
Energy: The Most Important Issue of 2008 — Speech given by U.S. Senator Richard Lugar (R-IN) on December 18, 2007 at the Brookings Institution on U.S. Energy Security and the 2008 Presidential Election. "Today, I would state unequivocally, that energy security and the economic and environmental issues closely associated with it should be the most important topics of the 2008 Presidential election. I say this deliberately, notwithstanding the existence of extremely important immediate concerns such as the war in Iraq and the performance of the American economy, as well as persistent public policy struggles that have confronted us for decades, such as deficit reduction, health care, and social security. I say this even in the context of my own long standing evangelism related to non-proliferation and arms reduction, issues which I believe have not diminished in importance. "Three factors lead me to the conclusion that energy is the most vital topic of this Presidential election: "First, energy is the issue with the widest gulf between what is required to make our nation secure and what is likely to be achieved through the inertia of existing programs and Congressional proposals. As such, it is the issue on which meaningful progress most depends on the great intangible in American public policymaking – the application of dramatic, visionary, and sustained Presidential leadership. "Congress and private enterprise can make evolutionary energy advancements, but revolutionary national progress in the energy field probably is dependent on presidential action. Our energy dependence is perpetuated by a lack of national will and focus. Only the President has the visibility to elevate a cause to national status, and only the President can leverage the buying power, regulatory authority, and legislative leadership of an administration behind solving a problem that is highly conducive to political procrastination and partisanship. "Second, transformational energy policies are likely to be a requirement for achieving our economic and social aspirations here at home. In an era when exploding global demand for energy creates high prices and fears of scarcity, the U.S. economy is likely to continue to underperform. Our ability to address social security, health care, education, and overall budget problems will be heavily encumbered over both the short and the long run if we do not mitigate our energy import dependence. Almost any scenario for recession will be deepened by high energy costs. Moreover, many of the most severe recession scenarios involve sustained energy disruptions due to terrorism, war, embargo, or natural disaster. "Third, energy is the underlying condition that exacerbates almost every major foreign policy issue. We pressure Sudan to stop genocide in Darfur, but we find that the Sudanese government is insulated by oil revenue and oil supply relationships. We pressure Iran to stop its uranium enrichment activities, yet key nations are hesitant to endanger their access to Iran's oil and natural gas. We try to foster global respect for civil society and human rights, yet oil revenues flowing to authoritarian governments are often diverted to corrupt or repressive purposes. We fight terrorism, yet some of the hundreds of billions of dollars we spend each year on oil imports are diverted to terrorists. We give foreign assistance to lift people out of poverty, yet energy-poor countries are further impoverished by expensive energy import bills. We seek options that would allow for military disengagement in Iraq and the wider Middle East, yet our way of life depends on a steady stream of oil from that region. American national security will be at risk as long as we are heavily dependent on imported energy."
The final 2008 U.S. Presidential candidates, John McCain and Barack Obama, have voiced their support for energy independence. For this reason, American voters will choose a pro-energy independence candidate for President in 2008. However, voters should understand that Republicans and Democrats define energy independence differently.
While some Republicans reject the idea of energy independence, most Republicans acknowledge and accept the need for energy security; indeed, many Republicans are passionate about it. Republican candidates who advocate energy independence are talking about economic and global energy security. When Republican candidates speak of energy independence they are campaigning for expanding oil production in Alaska and opening the oil fields off the coast of California (an oil resource potentially larger than Iraq). Republicans want all of America's natural resources available for energy production, including all federal lands that hold oil, natural gas, coal and oil shale deposits. The estimated 800 billion barrels of recoverable oil from oil shale located in the United States is three times greater than the proven oil reserves of Saudi Arabia. Republicans also support the development of technology to produce coal-to-liquid transportation fuels—an American resource that is greater than all of the oil in the Middle East.
On the other hand, when Democrats speak of energy independence they are usually talking about independence from any and all fossil fuels as well as independence from nuclear energy. Democrats tend to play down or deny the threat of oil financed Islamic militancy, preferring instead to focus on the threat of Global Warming.
It is important to acknowledge that energy independence and global warming are separate issues. American voters need to understand the relative priority. Global Warming is a sustainability issue that must be solved as the world progresses toward complete global modernization. In contrast, global oil dependence is an immediate threat, a clear and present danger. Metaphorically speaking, the threat of greenhouse gas emissions is like the threat of cancer from prolonged cigarette smoking; In contrast, the threat of oil financed terrorism is like a coiled rattlesnake immediately on the path in front of a day-dreaming hiker.
OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) produces about 40% of the world's oil today, which translates to OPEC getting 40 cents on every dollar paid for oil anywhere in the world. Current OPEC members are Algeria, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Venezuela. All are Islamic countries except Venezuela which has partnered with Iran.
In 2007, over 700 billion dollars flowed into OPEC from oil hungry countries around the world. How much of that money was given to support the worldwide advance of Islamic terrorism? With rising oil prices, OPEC revenue is expected to exceed one trillion dollars in 2008.
It doesn't matter where oil comes from. If the oil comes from a well in Wyoming, California, Texas, Canada, Mexico, Russia, or the North Sea it doesn't make any difference because oil is a global commodity. The price is the same for everyone in the world. Demand anywhere increases demand everywhere. So it is always true that OPEC gets 40 cents on every dollar paid for oil anywhere in the world. It averages out to that fact.
Islamic terrorism, as a global threat to civilization, cannot sustain itself without the massive oil revenue that finances it. (That does not mean their feelings and beliefs will not sustain, it just means they will have limited influence without the oil wealth.) Islamic militancy is emboldened by the perception of power and dominance that Islam derives from the world's dependence on oil — oil that the world must get from Arab countries. Eliminate world oil dependence and the Islamic extremists will be deflated psychologically.
Ronald Reagan is credited for defeating Communism without firing a shot; by economically isolating and suffocating the Soviet Union, while at the same time enticing their leaders and people toward freedom. In a similar way, initiating action toward achieving global independence from petroleum (as a source of energy) will lead to the defeat of Islamic terrorism.
"...in my opinion, there never was a good War, or a bad Peace. What vast additions to the Conveniences and Comforts of Living might Mankind have acquired, if the Money spent in Wars had been employed in Works of public utility!"— Benjamin Franklin, 1783 - quoted from a letter to Joseph Banks. Read: The Cost of American Energy Independence
References:1973 oil embargo1979 energy crisis1991 Persian Gulf War2003 Iraq war - In ProgressThe Hubbert Peak for World Oil ProductionWorld Oil Market and Oil Price Chronologies: 1970 - 2005
Recommended reading: Islam and oil By Ron Bengtson, Founder, AmericanEnergyIndep endence.comOur Energy Challenge By Nobel Laureate Richard E. Smalley Nexus—OIL and AL Qaeda By Frank H. Denton, PhD
Online Articles:Addicted to Oil — Discovery Channel documentary, reported by Pulitzer Prize-winning foreign affairs columnist, Thomas L. Friedman Saudi Time Bomb — A PBS investigationEnding the Oil Era — An interview with former CIA director James Woolsey The Saudi Connection — David E. Kaplan "How billions in oil money spawned a global terror network" Islam's political insurgency in Europe — Daniel StrieffSaudi textbooks preach intolerance, hate — Lisa MyersEnergy for America's Future—Security for the 21st CenturyPresident Bush — Demonstration of Alternative Fuel Automobiles A solution to the energy crisis has been under our nose for decades — Elizabeth Spiers, CNNMoney.comPresident Bush Discusses Energy at St. Louis Renewable Energy Conference — "We need to diversify away from oil for economic reasons. We live in a global world. When the demand for oil goes up in China or in India, it causes the price of crude oil to rise and, since we import about 60 percent of the crude oil we use, it causes our price to go up, as well, which means the economy becomes less competitive. And then, of course, there's the national security concern for oil. Why? Well, we get oil from some countries who don't particularly care for us. They don't like what we stand for. They don't like it when we say, for the sake of peace, let us work in a way that we don't develop nuclear weapons, for example." How Close Is Iran to Having Nuclear Weapons? — Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI), Co-founded by former U.S. Senator Sam Nunn and CNN founder Ted Turner.Oil Hits $100, Jolting Markets — THE WALL STREET JOURNAL, front page, January 3, 2008 The surging price of oil, from just over $10 a barrel a decade ago to $100 in January 2008, is altering the wealth and influence of nations and industries around the world. The long oil-price boom is posing wrenching challenges for the world's poorest nations, while enriching and emboldening producers in the Middle East, Russia and Venezuela. Their increasing muscle has a flip side: a decline of U.S. clout in many parts of the world. U.S. 'On The Edge' of Recession — Former U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan on February 14, 2008 said the U.S. economy is "clearly on the edge" of a recession. High oil prices are dragging on the economy, but the fact that they haven't done more damage shows its resiliency. Crude oil futures hit above $95 a barrel on February 14, 2008 and went above $100 in early January. Greenspan said he would like to see additional use of electric cars. Nuclear power makes the "most sense" to increase U.S. power generation when all trade-offs are weighed; "We have to use nuclear," Greenspan said. $100 oil hurts, just like a recession — CNNMoney.com, March 7, 2008"U.S. consumers spend an extra $5 billion each year for each $1 increase in the price of crude oil... if oil stays at $100 a barrel for the next 12 months, consumers will have shelled out an extra $100 billion for oil by next year. That's an extra $100 billion not being spent at the mall, mega-mart or multiplex... if oil goes to $115 or $120 a barrel—certainly not an outlandish thought given that crude prices have nearly doubled over the last 12 months—$115 oil, along with worsening conditions in the credit and foreign investment market, could be enough to keep the economy in recession through the first part of 2009." Are We Ready for the Next Oil Shock? — FedEx CEO Fred Smith and P.X. Kelley, retired commandant of the Marine Corps and former member of the Joint Chiefs. "Government leadership is absolutely necessary. Many of the most promising solutions on both the demand and supply sides will require decades to mature. Government proposals should align the interests of businesses and individuals with society's goals; for example, tax credits and similar incentives must allow businesses to recover investments and engage in essential long-range planning, and they must account for the high implicit discount rates that consumers apply to future savings. While recent legislation has pointed us in the right direction, bolder action must be taken." Oil prices could continue to rise — Shell CEO John Hofmeister says Congress needs to allow more U.S. offshore drilling: "Unless Congress allows expanded drilling on the outer continental shelf of the United States, fuel prices are going to continue to increase... If we don't bring more oil and gas into the system we're going to have to pay more and more and more... I'd hate to see prices double and triple what they are today because we failed to explore for more gas and oil. Exploration on the continental shelf was severely curtailed 25 years ago after a major oil spill off Santa Barbara in California.. . improvements in technology will allow drilling today without the risk of damage to the environment. .. Here's the reality, We have a 100-year infrastructure of oil and gas. We have to continue to feed that infrastructure to sustain our economic growth model, to sustain our lifestyle."Saudis remain the world's prime source of terror financing — By Josh Meyer, Los Angeles Times April 2, 2008 "Saudi Arabia remains the world's leading source of money for Al Qaeda and other extremist networks and has failed to take key steps requested by U.S. officials to stem the flow... the Saudi government has not taken important steps to go after those who finance terrorist organizations or to prevent wealthy donors from bankrolling extremism through charitable contributions, sometimes unwittingly. Saudi Arabia today remains the location where more money is going to terrorism, to Sunni terror groups and to the Taliban than any other place in the world." How to Avoid Future Iraq Wars —By Kevin McElyea, P.E.
No way out? The barriers to developing an alternative fuels industry are not technical, but social—By Galen J. Suppes, Ph.D. and Truman S. Storvick, Ph.D.
An Improbable Cure for Oil Addiction Financial Times, May 12, 2006 —By Philip H. Gordon, Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy Studies
A guarantee from the U.S. Government to purchase Synthetic petroleum made from American coal or oil shale for $50/barrel (if the supplier could not otherwise receive a higher price) would stimulate the largest capital investment in U.S. history
Write your legislators in Congress today and ask them to support federal incentives for the development of Synthetic Liquid Fuels.
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"...in my opinion, there never was a good War, or a bad Peace. What vast additions to the Conveniences and Comforts of Living might Mankind have acquired, if the Money spent in Wars had been employed in Works of public utility!"— Benjamin Franklin, 1783 - quoted from a letter to Joseph Banks. Read: The Cost of American Energy Independence
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Write to your elected Representatives in Congress
It's important to let your elected representatives know that you want them to support American Energy Independence.
It's Easy
Write a letter to the two U.S. Senators representing the state where you live, and also write to the U.S. Congressman representing your District. Here is a letter that you can use. But feel free to add your own thoughts and comments. You can find your representative's name and address using the links provided in step 2.
Dear Senator last name here,
Dear Representative last name here,
The United States spends more money protecting Middle East oil and fighting terrorism than it would cost to develop new energy technology that would obsolete oil as a source of energy. The connection between terrorism and Middle East oil wealth can no longer be ignored.
It is time for America to lead the development of new energy technology that would end the need for oil as a source of energy. Freeing America, and all other industrial countries, from the need to use fossil oil as a source of energy will cut-off the flow of oil money to the Middle East and put an end to the financial support of militant Islam.
With the help of new technology, America’s energy needs can be obtained from sources other than fossil oil.
American technology has put a man on the moon, mapped the human genome, and successfully landed robotic exploration vehicles on Mars. It seems reasonable to believe that American scientists and engineers could also develop environmentally safe alternative energy technology to free America from dependence on fossil oil.
The United States has over 270 billion tons of proven coal reserves, having the energy equivalent of four times the oil reserves of Saudi Arabia and equal to all of the proven oil reserves in the world. If the United States could use its coal reserves without destroying the environment, foreign oil would not be needed.
Nuclear energy can produce the hydrogen and provide the intense heat needed to make synthetic oil from coal.
Nuclear power is a proven emission-free energy source that can replace gas and coal fired base-load electric power generation plants, and enable the USA to develop a replacement for our oil based transportation fuel. The replacement of coal power plants with nuclear power plants would reduce America’s atmospheric CO2 emissions by 30%.
The USA does not need to wait for a hydrogen economy; nuclear power can begin to give America energy independence now, by providing the process heat and hydrogen needed for the manufacture of synthetic oil from coal. If nuclear heat and nuclear hydrogen are used in the manufacture of synthetic oil from coal, then the yield of oil from coal would be much higher than if coal was used to provide the needed hydrogen and process heat.
Using synthetic gasoline and diesel made from coal, to provide transportation fuel, would not reduce CO2 produced by cars and trucks on the nation's highways, nor would it increase atmospheric CO2 because it would merely replace existing consumption of gasoline and diesel. However, it is possible to have zero emission gasoline/diesel cars and trucks. If technology is used to remove the CO2 tailpipe emissions directly from the atmosphere after the CO2 is released from the tailpipe. In other words, allow cars and trucks to release CO2 and then clean the atmosphere using technology designed to remove CO2 from the air. The collected CO2 can either be recycled or sequestered.
If coal power plants were replaced by nuclear power plants, for base-load electricity, and coal is used to make synthetic gasoline and diesel, then Americans who are dependent on the coal mining industry for their incomes would support nuclear energy.
Modern Coal-to-oil technology can free America from dependence on Middle East oil. One billion tons of coal per year, at 3 barrels of oil per ton, would replace 65% of USA imported oil, and provide jobs for people who depend on the coal industry. At 12 million imported barrels per day, 65% is 7,800,000 barrels per day. Just over 20% of oil imported into the USA today comes from Persian Gulf Nations, which are also members of OPEC. Less than 45% of oil imported into the USA today comes from OPEC.
Drilling for new petroleum might help in the short term, but in the long term natural petroleum is not sustainable — we cannot depend upon crude oil for our energy future. However, the development of technology for the production of synthetic petroleum will create a sustainable energy future. Synthetic hydrocarbon fuels such as synthetic diesel and synthetic gasoline can be made from many different sources of raw material, including renewable biomass. America has an abundance of natural raw materials that can be used to make synthetic petroleum.
A large-scale public investment in Gas-To-Liquids (GTL) technology would bring the cost of the technology down so that the manufacture of synthetic petroleum would be competitive with fossil oil production. The current interest in Gas-To-Liquids technology is focused on monetizing otherwise worthless remote natural gas deposits. However, variations on the same technology can be used to make synthetic petroleum from synthesis gas derived from coal, oil sands, oil shale, biomass, or even recycled CO2 in combination with hydrogen extracted from water.
Synthetic gasoline and synthetic diesel made from synthetic petroleum can power existing cars and trucks without needing to modify the engines or national fuel distribution infrastructure.
Details and links to more information about new energy technologies can be found on the American Energy Independence web site.
Congress needs to fund advanced research and development of new energy technology. The United States needs to move forward with the development of sustainable sources of energy, and do so with the urgency of a national security mandate.
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Copyright © 2003-2008 Ron Bengtson. Boise, Idaho USA
Ron Bengtson can be reached via e-mail Ron@AmericanEnergyIndependence.com
American Energy Independence Day 2008 - America Get Involved!
Dear Friends,
Please pass this information on to your friends, we the American people need to be more involved in getting congress to pass a comprehensive energy legislation plan now. If we leave it up to our elected officials, we may never see our country free of our dependence on oil or the middle east. I blame myself, along with the American people for taking our economic and energy situation we now face in the United States for granted. I hope it's not to late, our country is facing one of the most important issues in our nations history. Let all Americans sound off with one voice, "That We Want Take It Any More!" we want American Energy Independence Legislation Now!
American Energy Independence Day 2008 - America Get Involved!
Respectfully Yours,
James Everitt
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President George W. Bush – E-mail the President or Vice President; call or write the White House; or extend an invitation to the President, Vice President, Mrs. Bush, or Mrs. Cheney. This site tells you how.
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State Legislators – Search for state legislators and topical legislative information, by U.S. states and territories
We support the Presidents Energy Initiative, Congress please Vote YES! American Energy Independence Day 2008 - America Get Involved!
Energy Independence Plan: http://mikerogers.house.gov/EnergyIndependence.aspx
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