Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Vision of a New America - Share Your Vision!

Share your Vision for where President-Elect Obama should lead the country

Hey, President-Elect Obama is hard at work getting this country back on track, but he’s counting on input from all of us.

I just wrote in to share my vision for where President-Elect Obama should lead the country, and I thought you might want to do the same: Share your Vision for where President-Elect Obama should lead the country

From James Everitt

Check out the video 'Vision of a New America' Share your Vision for where President-Elect Obama should lead the country

Vision of a New America: Vision of a New America

Vision of a New AmericaConstitution for the United States of America We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justi...

Video link:Vision of a New AmericaFind more videos like this on PickensPlan


CopperCards brings practical solutions to an out of control government and new world order oligarchy. The solution does not lie with “The Government”. Presidents can't help. Legislature can’t help. Courts can’t help. The solution lies with “We the People”.

CopperCards enables "We the People". Products and Services, to Protect Your Rights or Those Stranded In Court and a revolutionary banking system that sets aside and the Rothschild’s criminal banking cartel and the Federal Reserve Bank.

CopperCards provides the tools a community to recover government by "We the People". Freedom, Justice, domestic Tranquility, common Defense, general Welfare, Blessings of Liberty and Posterity are secured by the Constitution, available to all, if you know how to claim them.

CopperCards helps apply the law to secure your life from unwarranted government intrusion. Internet and computers are to our age what the printing press was to the Renaissance. We are entering a New Renaissance, where we the people know the law and can fix corruption ourselves. It's time to take back America.

CopperCards is a type of insurance company that provides tools and community to combat unwarranted government action. Like AAA helps motorists stranded on the freeway,

CopperCards helps people stranded in the court system. We teach people what to say and what not to say, everything corrupt government and courts wished you never knew.

CopperCards is a key strategic initiative aimed at recovering law and governance in the U.S. We teach our members how to utilizes the law provided by the Constitution and Common Law & we establish a local community to enforce it. It's a simple company with a simple product orientated around the wisdom of the Constitution and what the U.S. is meant to be.

Constitution for the United States

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

U.S. Declaration of Independence

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

The Constitution Party

The Democrats and Republicans have squandered the Founders' legacy of liberty and justice under the Constitution. Countless government officials in the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government ignore their oath to uphold and defend the Constitution.

Join the The Constitution Party in its work to restore our government to its Constitutional limits and our law to its Biblical foundations.

Seven Principles of the The Constitution Party are:

1. Life: For all human beings, from conception to natural death;

2. Liberty: Freedom of conscience and actions for the self-governed individual;

3. Family: One husband and one wife with their children as divinely instituted;

4. Property: Each individual's right to own and steward personal property without government burden;

5. Constitution: and Bill of Rights interpreted according to the actual intent of the Founding Fathers;

6. States' Rights: Everything not specifically delegated by the Constitution to the federal government is reserved for the state and local jurisdictions;

7. American Sovereignty: American government committed to the protection of the borders, trade, and common defense of Americans, and not entangled in foreign alliances.

Contact the The Constitution Party

Here you'll find contact information for the national office of the Constitution Party, Click here for links to our state party affiliates.

The Constitution Party
P.O. Box 1782Lancaster, PA 17608
Toll Free: 1-800-2-VETO-IRS (1-800-283-8647)
Tel: 717-390-1993Fax: 717-299-5115

Constitution Party Website

I am for lower taxes and smaller government, because lower taxes are better for families, property owners, and small businesses. With lower taxes, businesses have more money to invest, hire, and provide services. Less government bureaucracy improves the business climate, promotes economic growth, and reduces unemployment.

And if we limit the scope of the federal government in accordance with the constitution, we decrease spending and reducing taxes, increasing our liberty in several ways:

(1) Liberty is increased when government is reduced to its essential and necessary functions, because there is no longer a role for lobbyists fighting to increase pork for their favorite non-essential, unnecessary programs.

(2) Liberty is increased when more government functions and decisions are handled at the state and local levels, closer to the American people.

(3) Liberty is increased when individual citizens have more responsibility and when government has less control.

(4) Limited government leads to lower taxes, and with lower taxes, liberty is increased because businesses have more of their own money to invest, hire, and provide services. Less government bureaucracy improves the business climate and promotes job growth.

(5) Limited government leads to lower taxes, which is better for families and property owners. With lower taxes, liberty is increased because individuals and families have more of their own money - increased take-home pay - for their needs: food, clothing, housing, education, health insurance, and retirement.

(6) When people are able to provide for themselves, they are more likely to achieve prosperity and less dependent on government programs. In turn, this leads to further reduction in government spending, allowing the remaining money to be targeted to legitimate needs, such as military veterans, orphans, and people with severe disabilities.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Will The Fairness Doctrine Silence The Conservative Voice?

Listen to the Ed Meese Radio Spot

Freedom of Speech Our 1st Amendme...

I have just taken action to stop the attacks on our Free Speech Rights, and I'm asking that you join with me by clicking here: Will The Fairness Doctrine Silence The Conservative Voice?

+ + Will The Fairness Doctrine Silence The Conservative Voice? Will 2009 usher in a fanatical push to re-instate the so-called Fairness Doctrine? Such a move would effectively silence the conservative voice and remove the last conservative stronghold against a fast-moving liberal agenda.

James & Lydia, One need only read the words of Dianne Feinstein to see the true threat to conservative speech that is brewing on the horizon!"

Talk radio tends to be one-sided. It also tends to be dwelling in hyperbole. It's explosive. It pushes people to, I think, extreme views without a lot of information ... I'm looking at the [Fairness Doctrine]... Unfortunately, talk radio is overwhelmingly one way."

Recognizing this threat, the Media Research Center has created the Free Speech Alliance which is a coalition of organizations and citizens strongly opposed to any such move to limit or undermine our Free Speech Rights!

Please take a moment right now to join the hundreds of thousands of Americans who oppose the Fairness Doctrine and all that it stands for by clicking here: Will The Fairness Doctrine Silence The Conservative Voice?

Thanks for joining with me.
Mr. & Mrs. James & Lydia Everitt

P.S. If the liberal voice in America has their way, the Fairness Doctrine will end conservative talk--including Rush, Sean, Laura, Mark, and a host of others. Take action today by clicking here: Will The Fairness Doctrine Silence The Conservative Voice?


President-Elect Obama is hard at work getting this country back on track, but he’s counting on all of us to get involved.I just signed up to learn more about the presidential transition, and I thought you might want to do the same.

Just visit Presidential Transition, and enter your e-mail address in the top right corner.


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Amendment I, The Bill of Rights

Freedom of Speech - Our 1st Amendment - Our Sacred Right!

Monday, November 10, 2008





The voters have spoken, but I dont believe this was a mandate for the Democrats. It was a mandate for Obamas promises of cooperation and bipartisanship, of treating each other with respect and dignity. It was a vote for the hope of a Washington that functions for the good of the American people.

Can Obama lead America to that reality, as he has promised? Time will tell. But, as Obama has said, getting there requires all Americans. Its not something he can do by himself. Its a challenge to all of us to work together so our nation can see better days.

Thank you for taking the time to lookat this booklet. President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden’s Plan for America

Economy Obama's Stance on the Economy Barack Obama has offered a detailed plan to get America’s economy back on track, by creating new jobs and easing the burden on hardworking Americans by offering middle-class tax cuts three times the size of McCain’s. Learn More

McCain's Stance on the Economy John McCain’s economic policy is the same as George Bush’s. It ignores middle class Americans, giving $200 billion in tax cuts to corporations, including $4 billion in tax breaks to Big Oil, while leaving over 100 million middle-class Americans with no relief. Economists say McCain’s plan will add $3.4 trillion to the national debt.

Education Obama's Stance on Education Barack Obama puts children first by investing in early childhood education, making sure our schools are adequately funded and led by high-quality teachers, and reforming No Child Left Behind. Learn More

McCain's Stance on Education John McCain supported George Bush’s tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans instead of much-needed funding for our students, teachers, and failing local classrooms.

Energy & Environment Obama's Stance on Energy Barack Obama will invest in alternative fuels and renewable energy, including a plan to increase America’s energy efficiency and create 5 million new “green” jobs. Learn More

McCain's Stance on Energy John McCain has repeatedly opposed renewable and alternative energy proposals, has promised oil companies a new $4 billion tax break and hired a number of powerful oil lobbyists to run his campaign.

Ethics Obama's Stance on Ethics Barack Obama has been a leader on government transparency – refusing to take donations from lobbyists or PACs, improving disclosure and creating a database where the public can track federal contracts and earmarks. Learn More

McCain's Stance on Ethics John McCain has no less than 177 lobbyists working on his campaign, including many of his top advisors. McCain’s own campaign manager continued to receive money from Freddie Mac until August 2008.

Foreign Policy Obama's Stance on Foreign Policy Barack Obama will continue the long American tradition of smart diplomacy to keep the country safe while improving America’s standing in the world. Learn More

McCain's Stance on Foreign Policy John McCain will carry on George Bush’s policy of unilateral action that puts American troops in harm’s way without exhausting diplomatic options.

Health Care Obama's Stance on Health Care Barack Obama’s health care plan will provide accessible, affordable coverage for all, and it will reduce health care costs for families. Learn More

McCain's Stance on Health Care John McCain’s health plan would tax health benefits for the first time ever — imposing a trillion tax increase on working families and leaving millions without heath care.

Homeland Security Obama's Stance on Homeland Security Barack Obama supports increased security measures for our airports, ports, and land borders, part of a national plan to protect American’s infrastructure and keep our communities safe. Learn More

McCain's Stance on Homeland Security John McCain opposed increased screening of cargo entering the United States and opposed increased security for airport, port and boarder security.

Iraq Obama's Stance on Iraq Barack Obama will work with his military commanders to responsibly end the war in Iraq. Obama will refocus our resources on al Qaeda in Afghanistan and finish the fight with the terrorists who attacked us on 9/11. Learn More

McCain's Stance on Iraq John McCain has no plan to end the war in Iraq, and would keep spending $10 billion a month in Iraq while the Iraqi government sits on a huge surplus. McCain calls Iraq "the central front of the war on terror" even though Osama bin Laden and the al Qaeda terrorists who attacked us are getting stronger in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Seniors & Social Security Obama's Stance on Seniors & Social Security Barack Obama is committed to ensuring Social Security is protected and viable for this generation and the next. And Obama will eliminate income taxes for seniors making less than $50,000 -- benefiting more than 7 million seniors. Learn More

McCain's Stance on Seniors & Social Security John McCain supports President Bush’s plan to privatize Social Security and would gamble the Social Security Trust Fund in the stock market. McCain’s tax plan leaves 37 million seniors without much-needed relief.

Taxes Obama's Stance on Taxes Barack Obama provides a middle class tax cut for 95 percent of American workers. Middle class families will get three times the tax relief from Obama than they would from John McCain. Learn More

McCain's Stance on Taxes John McCain’s plan leaves 101 million American households with no tax relief, while giving $200 billion to corporations, including $4 billion tax cut to oil companies.

Veterans Obama's Stance on Veterans Affairs Barack Obama supports our troops – both in combat and at home. He voted to provide armored vehicles and body armor for our troops fighting abroad, and will fully fund veterans’ medical care and restore competence to VA planning to ensure our veterans have the resources they need when they return home. Learn More

McCain's Stance on Veterans Affairs John McCain has repeatedly voted against increases in veterans’ health care, against mental health and brain injury services for veterans, and will ration veterans’ health care to vets with combat injuries, reducing the resources available to our vets.

Women Obama's Stance on Women's Issues Barack Obama works for America’s women – supporting a woman’s right to choose, equal pay for equal work, expanding the childcare tax credit and paid sick leave for parents. Learn More

McCain's Stance on Women's Issues John McCain wants to overturn Roe v. Wade and his party’s platform opposes all abortions — even in cases of rape and incest. McCain also opposed the Equal Pay Act, and the landmark Violence Against Women Act.

Senator Obama has been able to develop innovative approaches to challenge the status quo and get results. Americans are tired of divisive ideological politics, which is why Senator Obama has reached out to Republicans to find areas of common ground. He has tried to break partisan logjams and take on seemingly intractable problems. During his tenure in Washington and in the Illinois State Senate, Barack Obama has accumulated a record of bipartisan success.

Civil Rights There is no more fundamental American right than the right to vote. Before the landmark 1965 Voting Rights Act, barriers such as literacy tests, poll taxes and property requirements disenfranchised many Americans, especially minorities. More than 40 years later, there are still numerous obstacles to ensuring that every citizen has the ability to vote. CONTINUE READING

Defense "Our country's greatest military asset is the men and women who wear the uniform of the United States. When we do send our men and women into harm's way, we must also clearly define the mission, prescribe concrete political and military objectives, seek out advice of our military commanders, evaluate the intelligence, plan accordingly, and ensure that our troops have the resources, support, and equipment they need to protect themselves and fulfill their mission." -Barack Obama, Chicago Foreign Affairs Council, April 23, 2007 CONTINUE READING

Disabilities "We must build a world free of unnecessary barriers, stereotypes, and discrimination .... policies must be developed, attitudes must be shaped, and buildings and organizations must be designed to ensure that everyone has a chance to get the education they need and live independently as full citizens in their communities." CONTINUE READING

Faith In June of 2006, Senator Obama delivered what was called the most important speech on religion and politics in 40 years. Speaking before an evangelical audience, Senator Obama candidly discussed his own religious conversion and doubts, and the need for a deeper, more substantive discussion about the role of faith in American life. CONTINUE READING

Family Strong families raise successful children and keep communities together. While Senator Obama does not believe that we can simply legislate healthy families, good parenting skills or economic success, he does believe we can eliminate roadblocks that parents face and provide tools to help them succeed. A husband and father of two, Senator Obama has promoted strong families in the Senate. CONTINUE READING

Fiscal "The cost of our debt is one of the fastest growing expenses in the federal budget. This rising debt is a hidden domestic enemy, robbing our cities and states of critical investments in infrastructure like bridges, ports, and levees; robbing our families and our children of critical investments in education and health care reform; robbing our seniors of the retirement and health security they have counted on ... If Washington were serious about honest tax relief in this country, we'd see an effort to reduce our national debt by returning to responsible fiscal policies." - Barack Obama, Speech in the U.S. Senate, March 13, 2006 CONTINUE READING

Immigration Barack Obama has played a leading role in crafting comprehensive immigration reform. Obama believes the immigration issue has been exploited by politicians to divide the nation rather than find real solutions. This divisiveness has allowed the illegal immigration problem to worsen, with borders that are less secure than ever and an economy that depends on millions of workers living in the shadows. CONTINUE READING

Poverty There are 37 million poor Americans. Most poor Americans are in the workforce, yet still cannot afford to make ends meet. And too many poor Americans are single mothers who are raising children. Barack Obama has been a lifelong advocate for the poor -- as a young college graduate, he rejected the high salaries of corporate America and moved to the South Side of Chicago to work as a community organizer. As an organizer, Obama worked with churches, Chicago residents and local government to set up job training programs for the unemployed and after school programs for kids. CONTINUE READING

Rural "We are at that critical and urgent moment. If Washington continues policies that work against America's family farmers, our rural communities will fall further behind - and so will America. But if we reject the politics that has shut ordinary folks out, we can create a new story for rural America ... The dreams of rural Americans are familiar to all Americans - to make a good living, to raise a healthy and secure family, and to leave our children a future of opportunity. It's time for real leadership for rural America to extend that American dream. That's the dream of opportunity that I've spent my life fighting for. And that's what our rural agenda will do." - Barack Obama, Speech in Fairfax, IA, October 16, 2007 CONTINUE READING

Service "Your own story and the American story are not separate - they are shared. And they will both be enriched if we stand up together, and answer a new call to service to meet the challenges of our new century ... I won't just ask for your vote as a candidate; I will ask for your service and your active citizenship when I am president of the United States. This will not be a call issued in one speech or program; this will be a cause of my presidency." - Barack Obama, Speech in Mt. Vernon, Iowa, December 5, 2007 CONTINUE READING

Technology "Let us be the generation that reshapes our economy to compete in the digital age. Let's set high standards for our schools and give them the resources they need to succeed. Let's recruit a new army of teachers, and give them better pay and more support in exchange for more accountability. Let's make college more affordable, and let's invest in scientific research, and let's lay down broadband lines through the heart of inner cities and rural towns all across America." CONTINUE READING

Urban Policy Barack Obama has had a lifelong commitment to the people and neighborhoods of America?s cities. He understands that cities and metropolitan regions are key drivers of prosperity in the global economy and that opportunities for and contributions from all people and communities are critical to America?s long term success. As president, Obama will implement a regional development agenda that utilizes and strengthens the considerable assets of our urban centers. These investments will bolster America's long-term competitiveness in a globalizing economy, and ensure long-term prosperity for all Americans. CONTINUE READING

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Posted 11/4/2008 11:02 PM CST



President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden’s Plan for America

Thank you for taking the time to lookat this booklet.




We believe that leaders must be open and forward-looking with the American people about the policy decisions facing our nation.

This booklet brings together our proposals to support American families so you can see clearly where we stand on these fundamental issues. But we also hope that this booklet sparks a dialogue and that after you’ve finished reading it, you get in touch with our campaign and give us your thoughts on the policies you find here.

You can take your government back into your hands, and we welcome you to speak up. You know what’s at stake in this election when you kiss a loved one goodbye as they’re deploying overseas, or see your neighbor’s home foreclosed on, or fill up the tank. This is a defining moment in our history.

The dream that so many generations fought for feels as if it’s slowly slipping away. We’ve never paid more for health care or child care or college. It’s harder to save and retire. And most of all, we’ve lost faith that our leaders can or will do anything about it. But it is because of their failures that this moment of challenge is also a moment of opportunity. We have a chance to bring the country together in a new majority — to finally tackle problems that Washington has ignored for too long.

And that is why the same old Washington textbook campaigns just won’t do in this election. Our leaders have always made the biggest difference in the lives of the American people when we’ve led not by polls, but by principle; not by calculation, but by conviction; when we summoned the entire nation to a common purpose — a higher purpose. And we are here because that’s the party America needs us to be right now.

Joe and I are running to offer this country change that we need.We are in this race to tell the corporate lobbyists that their days of setting the agenda in Washington are over. We’re in this race because we want to stop talking about the outrage of 45 million Americans without health care and start actually doing something about it. We’re in this race to end our dependence on Middle East oil and save our planet from the crisis of climate change so we can give our children a planet that’s cleaner and safer than we found it.

This country of ours has more wealth than any nation, but that’s not what makes us rich. We have the most powerful military on Earth, but that’s not what makes us strong. Our universities and our culture are the envy of the world, but that’s not what keeps the world coming to our shores. Instead, it is that American spirit — that American promise — that pushes us forward even when the path is uncertain; that binds us together in spite of our differences; that makes us fix our eye not on what is seen, but what is unseen, that better place around the bend.

As president, we will end the war in Iraq, a war that I opposed from the beginning and that should never have been authorized. We will finish the fight against Al Qaeda. And we will lead the world to combat the common threats of the 21st century — nuclear weapons and terrorism; climate change and poverty; genocide and disease.

America, our moment is now. We don’t want to pit Red America against Blue America, I want to be the President of the United States of America.

That’s why we’re asking you to stand with us, that’s why we’re asking you to stop settling for what the cynics say we have to accept. In this election — in this moment — let us reach for what we know is possible.

A nation healed. A world repaired. An America that believes again.So thank you for taking the time to read this booklet, which lays out very clearly how Joe and I will achieve these goals for the American people. I hope you look closely at the ideas in this booklet and let us know what you think.

Together, we can change America.


President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden

ObamaBlueprintForChange.pdf (491KB),

petition.pdf (36KB), pickens_pledge.pdf (93KB),

ThePlan_0710_01.pdf (205KB),

API_truth_primer22.pdf (1510KB)

New Energy for America

5 Million Green Collar Jobs

A Bold New National Goal on Energy EfficiencyAmerican Energy

Read the New Energy for America plan

Watch Barack's speech in Lansing, MI on his new energy plan:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Obama-Biden comprehensive New Energy for America plan will:

Watch the Video

Provide short-term relief to American families facing pain at the pumpHelp create five million new jobs by strategically investing $150 billion over the next ten years to catalyze private efforts to build a clean energy future.

Within 10 years save more oil than we currently import from the Middle East and Venezuela combined.

Put 1 million Plug-In Hybrid cars -- cars that can get up to 150 miles per gallon -- on the road by 2015, cars that we will work to make sure are built here in America.

Ensure 10 percent of our electricity comes from renewable sources by 2012, and 25 percent by 2025.

Implement an economy-wide cap-and-trade program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 80 percent by 2050.


Provide Short-term Relief to American Families:

• Enact a Windfall Profits Tax to Provide a $1,000 Emergency Energy Rebate to American Families.

• Crack Down on Excessive Energy Speculation.

• Swap Oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to Cut Prices.Learn More...Energy Plan Relief for American Families

Eliminate Our Current Imports from the Middle East and Venezuela within 10 Years:

• Increase Fuel Economy Standards.

• Get 1 Million Plug-In Hybrid Cars on the Road by 2015.

• Create a New $7,000 Tax Credit for Purchasing Advanced Vehicles.

• Establish a National Low Carbon Fuel Standard.

• A “Use it or Lose It” Approach to Existing Oil and Gas Leases.

• Promote the Responsible Domestic Production of Oil and Natural Gas.Learn More...Energy Plan Eliminate Oil Imports

Create Millions of New Green Jobs:

• Ensure 10 percent of Our Electricity Comes from Renewable Sources by 2012, and 25 percent by 2025.

• Deploy the Cheapest, Cleanest, Fastest Energy Source – Energy Efficiency.

• Weatherize One Million Homes Annually.• Develop and Deploy Clean Coal Technology.

• Prioritize the Construction of the Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline.Learn More...Energy Plan Green Jobs

Reduce our Greenhouse Gas Emissions 80 Percent by 2050:

• Implement an economy-wide cap-and-trade program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 80 percent by 2050.

• Make the U.S. a Leader on Climate Change.Learn More...Energy Plan Greenhouse Gas Emissions


Read the full version of The Obama-Biden New Energy for America plan

The Obama-Biden environmental plan

The Obama-Biden plan to crack down on excessive energy speculation

The Obama-Biden Wildfire Prevention Plan

Comments (1) Permanent Link

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Where They Stand: Energy and the Truth on Energy?

Where They Stand: Energy and the Truth on Energy?

Where They Stand: Energy and the Truth on Energy?
Posted by James Everitt on November 1, 2008 at 8:57am in U.S. Energy Policy View Discussions Join Me on Pickens Attachments: API_truth_primer22.pdf, 1.5 MB pickens_pledge.pdf, 92 KB

We Are in a Crisis

Our dependence on foreign oil forms the intersection of the three most critical issues America currently faces: the economy, the environment and our national security.

There is a Solution

America is blessed with the world's greatest wind power corridor and abundant reserves of clean natural gas.

The Pickens Plan will utilize these tremendous resources to build a bridge to the future — a blueprint to reduce foreign oil dependence by harnessing domestic energy alternatives and buying time for us to develop even greater new technologies.

The Plan calls for building new wind generation facilities that will produce 20% of our nation's electricity and allow us to use natural gas as a transportation fuel. The combination of these domestic energies can replace more than one-third of our foreign oil imports. And we can do it all in 10 years.
We Can Bring Change

On January 20th, 2009, a new President will take office. We’re organizing behind the Pickens Plan now to ensure our voices will be heard by the next administration. Together we can raise a call for change and set a new course for America’s energy future in the first hundred days of the new presidency — breaking the hammerlock of foreign oil and building a new domestic energy future for America with a focus on sustainability.

You can start changing America's future today by supporting the Pickens Plan. Join now.

The Man with the Plan

T. Boone Pickens, founder and chairman, BP Capital Management, is principally responsible for the formulation of the energy futures investment strategy of the BP Capital Commodity Fund and the BP Capital Equity Fund. With more than $4 billion under management, BP Capital manages one of the nation’s most successful energy-oriented investment funds. Pickens frequently utilizes his wealth of experience in the oil and gas industry in the evaluation of potential equity investments and energy sector themes. He has not been shy in predicting oil and gas prices and — more often than not — has been uncannily accurate.
Pickens is also aggressively pursuing a wide range of other business interests, from water marketing and ranch development initiatives to Clean Energy, a company he founded and is the largest shareholder. Through Mesa Water, Pickens is the largest private holder of permitted groundwater rights in the United States. Clean Energy is advancing the use of natural gas as a cleaner-burning and more cost-effective transportation fuel alternative to gasoline and diesel.

Boone grew up in Holdenville, a small eastern Oklahoma town. His father was in the oil business, and his mother ran the Office of Price Administration during World War II, rationing gasoline and other goods for four counties. Boone attributes much of his success to his mother and father.

Boone graduated as a geologist from Oklahoma State University in 1951 and started work with Phillips Petroleum Co. in Bartlesville, Oklahoma. After three and a half years, he struck out on his own as an independent geologist. Pickens was founder of Mesa Petroleum in its various forms beginning in 1956. Mr. Pickens’ career at Mesa spanned four decades. Under his leadership, Mesa grew to become one of the largest and most well known independent exploration and production companies in the United States; Mesa produced more than 3 trillion cubic feet of gas and 150 million barrels of oil from 1964 to 1996.

From its inception, Mesa was at the forefront of change and innovation. Mesa's fitness program is a good example. Boone has long understood the benefits of physical fitness. Mesa's fitness program has become a model for corporate America, and Mesa was the first company to be accredited by the Institute for Aerobics Research.

Throughout his professional life, Pickens has been a generous philanthropist, giving away almost one half of a billion dollars. In 2006, he contributed $175 million to a wide range of causes and the formation of the T. Boone Pickens Foundation. He has appeared multiple times on The Chronicle of Philanthropy’s list of top U.S. philanthropists. The T. Boone Pickens Foundation is improving lives through grants supporting educational programs, medical research, athletics and corporate wellness, at-risk youth, the entrepreneurial process, and conservation and wildlife initiatives.

The Horatio Alger Association of Distinguished Americans Inc. selected Pickens as a recipient of the 2006 Horatio Alger Award, which epitomizes those who overcome adversity and humble beginnings to achieve success. It is but one of many honors awarded to Pickens for his achievements, including Trader Monthly’s 2006 Trader of the Year award, the Texas Business Hall of Fame, and the Oklahoma Hall of Fame.

Pickens lives in Dallas and is married to Madeleine Ann Pickens. He has five children and 12 grandchildren.

IMPORTANT, I need your help, James Everitt. Can you help me resolve my friends concerns about the Pickens Plan and T. Boone Pickens resolve to do what he says he's going to do to help create a viable energy independence program over the next 10 years?

On Oct 31, 2008, at 3:06 PM,
James Everitt wrote:Thanks, for the article: Pickens' plan is bold — too bad it won't work "I do agree with the article, but you do have to give T. Boone Pickens credit for putting Energy Independence on the front burner by getting congress, the candidates, and public awareness at it's highest peak since the oil embargo of the 70's!" Join me at Pickens and let's help T. Boone Pickens solve our Energy Independence! Let me make it clear "I support T. Boone Pickens and the Pickens Plan!"

Where They Stand: Energy

Posted: 10/31/08

John McCain

John McCain's energy platform is largely based around his willingless to expand domestic oil drilling and production.His plan includes increased drilling coupled with investing in clean, alternative sources of energy.McCain has announced his plan to commit a $5,000 tax credit to every consumer who purchases a zero carbon emission car.The Arizona Senator has also proposed a $300 million prize to improve battery technology for the full commercial development of plug-in hybrid and electric automobiles.He has declared the need to eliminate subsidies and tariffs that prevent the development of market-based solutions that would provide the United States with better options for alternative fuels. McCain has also pledged $2 billion annually to the advancement of clean coal technologies.

Barack Obama

Obama's plan to create five million new "green" jobs would depend upon a ten year, $150 billion investment to "catalyze private efforts to build a clean energy future."Obama has pushed for one million plug-in hybrid vehicles on the road by 2015 and a target of 10 percent of all household electricity originating from renewable sources by 2012.He has also stressed the importance of providing short-term relief, offering to enact a Windfall Profits Tax that would provide a $1,000 energy rebate to American families.Obama has even announced a plan to eliminate our current imports from Venezuela and the Middle East within ten years. Obama proposes a $7,000 tax credit for purchasing advanced vehicles.

Robert Barr

On energy, Bob Barr's plan again relies on free market principles and less government intervention.Barr wants to eliminate all restrictions that slow energy production, as well as "special privileges" for alternative fuels like ethanol.He says more government involvement, whether in the form of restrictions or subsidies, ends up hurting consumers in the long run.According to his Web page, he also wants to allow drilling in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge and the Outer Continental Shelf to "assure more adequate and consistent supplies," and help lower the cost for consumers.While in Congress, Barr voted in favor of drilling and development in ANWR. He also voted against raising corporate average fuel efficiency standards for automobiles and offering incentives for manufacturing alternative fuel vehicles.Barr co-sponsored a bill that would have repealed an increase in the federal gas tax.In the campaign, he has turned up the heat on John McCain, saying that he hasn't done enough to promote more domestic drilling.As early as July, on the "Glenn Beck show" Barr called global warming a "myth" being used by "environmental folks" and "internationalists."Though Barr's Web page says scientists haven't yet made "definitive judgments" on the issue of climate change, he still advocates lowering carbon emissions through a process led by the private sector rather than the government.

Ralph Nader

Ralph Nader promotes an energy policy that would stop subsidizing oil, coal and nuclear interests.His plan invests in fuel-efficient automobiles, and renewable energy such as wind and solar.Nader envisions a "new clean energy paradigm" that would create more jobs, better efficiency and security, and more protection for the environment.According to his Web page, he applauds a ten-point plan by the "Apollo Alliance," which calls for a $313.72 billion federal investment in energy independence in a ten-year period.While calling on the United States to take the lead in technological innovation, the plan directs energy consumption away from fossil fuels towards domestic renewable energy markets.The points of the plan include investing in more efficient factories, encouraging "green buildings," modernizing electrical infrastructure, expanding renewable energy development, improving transportation options and promoting advanced technology and hybrid cars.Through tax revenues and energy cost savings, the plan will supposedly pay for itself.It is predicted that the overall economy will see an "increase of $1.4 trillion dollars in new Gross Domestic Product."Nader is also in favor of adopting a carbon pollution tax.

Cynthia McKinney

According to McKinney, the United States can "no longer hide its truculence under the mask of weather fluctuations or unclear science." She believes that as islands are disappearing and indigenous ways of life are threatened, the world is at risk if the United States "continues to do nothing."Therefore, she proposes that a drastic cut in emissions is necessary and can "be accomplished by using the tax code to incentivize behavior."According to McKinney, the United States could declare itself carbon and nuclear free as the next step is "to create the political will to change course."

Charles Baldwin

According to Baldwin, there is no reason for the United States to be dependent on OPEC. He believes there is enough gas and oil present under the soil of Alaska, North and South Dakota and the Gulf of Mexico "to meet the energy needs of the United States for the next 150 to 200 years."Baldwin also believes there is no reason for gasoline to cost more than $1.50 a gallon while the country is less dependent on foreign sources of oil.

Read the Pickens Plan Pledge below and then tell your Member of Congress to join with T. Boone Pickens and his army of supporters in calling for an Energy Independence Plan to be enacted within the first 100 days of the new administration.