Prairie Chapel Ranch
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President Bush at his ranch; daughter Jenna's Wedding May 10, 2008
Posted May 12, 2008 @ 08:26 AM
President calls Jenna’s wedding ‘spectacular’
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President Bush and his daughter, Jenna Bush, 26, pose for photos Saturday, May 10, 2008, before J...
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Jenna Bush, daughter of President Bush and first lady Laura Bush, exchanges wedding vows with Hen...
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Jenna Bush, daughter of President Bush and first lady Laura Bush, exchanges wedding vows with Hen...
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President Bush and first lady Laura Bush, pose with their daughters Jenna Bush, 26, (right), and ...
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Jenna Bush, 26, daughter of President Bush and first lady Laura Bush, poses for photos Saturday, ...
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President Bush and first lady Laura Bush (left) pose for a family photo after the wedding of thei...
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The daughter of President Bush and first lady Laura Bush, Jenna, celebrates with her new husband,...
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The daughter of President Bush and first lady Laura Bush, Jenna, celebrates Saturday, May 10, 200...
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The daughter of President Bush and first lady Laura Bush, Jenna, celebrates with her new husband,...
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In this photograph released by the White House, the daughter of President Bush and first lady Lau...
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The table setting for Henry and Jenna (Bush) Hager is shown before their wedding reception Saturd...
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President Bush and his daughter, Jenna Bush, 26, pose for photos Saturday, May 10, 2008, before Jenna's wedding to Henry Hager at the Bush family's Prairie Chapel Ranch in Crawford, Texas.
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President Bush at his ranch; daughter Jenna's Wedding May 10, 2008
Posted May 12, 2008 @ 08:26 AM
President calls Jenna’s wedding ‘spectacular’
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President Bush and his daughter, Jenna Bush, 26, pose for photos Saturday, May 10, 2008, before J...
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Jenna Bush, daughter of President Bush and first lady Laura Bush, exchanges wedding vows with Hen...
Photo 2 of 11
Jenna Bush, daughter of President Bush and first lady Laura Bush, exchanges wedding vows with Hen...
Photo 3 of 11
President Bush and first lady Laura Bush, pose with their daughters Jenna Bush, 26, (right), and ...
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Jenna Bush, 26, daughter of President Bush and first lady Laura Bush, poses for photos Saturday, ...
Photo 5 of 11
President Bush and first lady Laura Bush (left) pose for a family photo after the wedding of thei...
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The daughter of President Bush and first lady Laura Bush, Jenna, celebrates with her new husband,...
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The daughter of President Bush and first lady Laura Bush, Jenna, celebrates Saturday, May 10, 200...
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The daughter of President Bush and first lady Laura Bush, Jenna, celebrates with her new husband,...
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In this photograph released by the White House, the daughter of President Bush and first lady Lau...
Photo 10 of 11
The table setting for Henry and Jenna (Bush) Hager is shown before their wedding reception Saturd...
Photo 11 of 11
President Bush and his daughter, Jenna Bush, 26, pose for photos Saturday, May 10, 2008, before Jenna's wedding to Henry Hager at the Bush family's Prairie Chapel Ranch in Crawford, Texas.
Angela Merkel and Bush outside the main house in November 2007
Prairie Chapel Ranch is a 1583 acre (6.4 km²) estate located seven miles (10 km) northwest of Crawford, Texas, considered the Western White House of President George W. Bush.
Bush spends vacation time at the house as well as entertains dignitaries from around the world.
It derives its name from the Prairie Chapel School which was built nearby on land donated by mid-19th century German immigrant Heinrich Englebrecht who also owned the land that now comprises the Bush compound. Englebrecht also donated land for the nearby Canaan Baptist Church (the "Prairie Chapel").
1 History
2 House and Grounds
2.1 House
2.2 Other structures
2.3 Grounds
3 Activities
3.1 Visits from foreign dignitaries
4 Security considerations
5 Protests
6 Future of the ranch
7 Gallery
8 References
9 External links
[edit] History
USGS satellite photo of the ranch before Bush built his house. The elongated objects at the top are hog barns (on Mill Road). They were demolished and the drive extended to build Bush's house. He enlarged the lake on the upper right. In the lower right are more hog barns and the original Englebrecht house which is now called the "Governor's House." All of the lower barns except one were demolished. At the top is the Middle Bosque River. Prairie Chapel Road ends at the intersection in the lower left corner and becomes Rainey Road.
Englebrecht and his heirs raised turkeys and hogs. The original Englebrecht ranch house is about 4,400 feet (1,300 m) from the main house on Rainey Road and is now called the "Governor's House" and is used to house second-tier guests. The Bushes stayed in the house during construction of the new house.
In 1999 shortly after earning a $14.3 million profit from the sale of the Texas Rangers, Texas Governor Bush bought the land for an estimated $1.3 million from the Englebrecht family.
Bush was to remove five large hog barns on Mill Road leading into the compound during the construction of a new house, guest house and garage. [1]
[edit] House and Grounds
[edit] House
David Heymann, then an associate professor of architecture at the University of Texas at Austin, designed the four-bedroom [2] (although some reports indicate it is eight-bedrooms)[3], 4,000 ft² (372 m²) honey-colored native limestone single-level home with painted white galvanized tin roof on the site. Heymann said the house was built from the less sought after portion of the local "Leuders limestone." The middle portions of the blocks of stone is a cream colored while the edges are multicolored. "We bought all this throwaway stone. It's fabulous. It's got great color and it is relatively inexpensive," Heymann said.[4]
In addition there is an open 10 foot (3 m) wide limestone porch that encircles the house. The house was built by members of a religious community from nearby Elm Mott, Texas, and wasn't finally completed until after his inauguration because of needed accommodations for security, meeting space, etc.[5]
Laura Bush said they decided to keep a single level ranch design because "We wanted our older parents to feel comfortable here... We also want to grow old here ourselves."[6]
The passive-solar house is positioned to absorb winter sunlight, warming the interior walkways and walls of the residence. Geothermal heat pumps circulate water through pipes buried 300 feet (100 m) deep in the ground. A 25,000 US gallon (151 m³) underground cistern collects rainwater gathered from roof urns; wastewater from sinks, toilets, and showers cascades into underground purifying tanks and is also funneled into the cistern. The water from the cistern is then used to irrigate the landscaping around the home.
[edit] Other structures
In addition to the house there is a guest house and a garage in separate buildings to the southwest of the main house.
The facility includes a helicopter hangar which is used as an auditorium on the rare occasions the president himself holds a press conference at the ranch.
In 2002, the ranch was wired for what Bush described in a 2003 tour of the ranch as "real time, secure videoconferencing" to be used for his briefings from the CIA and Dick Cheney.
Overnight visitors stay in the main house, or its associated guest house, or the original Englebrecht farmhouse, or in a double-wide five-bedroom three-bath mobile home, decorated in an early Pottery Barn motif according to a staffer.[7]
News reporters, including the White House Press Secretary, stay in hotels in Waco. Press conferences that don't involve the president are conducted in the gymnasium of Crawford Middle School, ten miles (16 km) away from the ranch. The ramshackle barn often seen behind TV correspondents during their live reports is actually a shed used by the school's groundskeepers.
[edit] Grounds
President Bush and Lance Armstrong on grounds in 2005
The land includes seven canyons and three miles (5 km) of frontage along Rainey Creek and the Middle Bosque River. In August 2001 while touring the canyons with reporters Bush noted that the cedars in the canyons would be a good nesting ground for the endangered golden-cheeked warbler although the warblers have not actually been seen on the compound.[8]
Bush added an 11 acre (45,000 m²) man-made pond that he stocked with 600 largemouth bass and 30,000 bait fish. There are also bluegill and red ear sunfish. The pond has a maximum depth of 17 feet (5.2 m). In May 2006 in a question to what the best moment in his administration, Bush was quoted: "I would say the best moment was when I caught a 7 ½-pound largemouth bass on my lake."[9]
At the urging of his daughters, the President has also built a large swimming pool [10] over the objections of Heymann who thought it would interrupt the stark views. President Bush calls it "the whining pool" — whine long enough and you get it.[11]
[edit] Activities
One of the most highly prized souvenirs from the compound is a gray Under Armour athletic shirt (retail $19.99) emblazoned with a Texas star encircled by the words The President's 100-Degree Club. In order to qualify a visitor must run 3 miles (4.8 km), or bike for 10, when the thermometer hits triple digits.[12]
President Bush uses the compound for vacations, occasional meetings, and entertaining foreign dignitaries. In the less formal setting, dress code for meetings calls for an open collar and no tie. Guests are typically treated to meals of Southern cuisine. When not holding meetings or briefings, Bush spends his time mountain biking, jogging, fishing, bird hunting, and clearing brush.
President Bush has made clear his preference for spending time away from his official residence at the White House in Washington, DC. In 2001, he said, "I think it is so important for a president to spend some time away from Washington, in the heartland of America."[13]
[edit] Visits from foreign dignitaries
Putin and Bush in 2001
Visitors to the ranch have included:
Russian President Vladimir Putin, November 2001
British Prime Minister Tony Blair, April 2002
Saudi King Abdullah, April 2002, April 2005
Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan, August 2002
Chinese President Jiāng Zémín, October 2002
Spanish Prime Minister José María Aznar, February 2003
Australian Prime Minister John Howard, May 2003
Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, May 2003
Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, July 2003
Mexican President Vicente Fox, March 2004, March 2005
Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, April 2004
Spanish King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofía, November 2004
Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin, March 2005
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, April 2005
Colombian President Álvaro Uribe, August 2005
German Chancellor Angela Merkel, November 2007[14]
Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen, February 2008[15]
[edit] Security considerations
The Federal Aviation Administration has three nautical miles (six km) no fly zone around the ranch full time (designated Prohibited Area 49). When President Bush is there, a Temporary Flight Restriction is issued, expanding the radius to 10 nautical miles (19 km), with lesser restrictions extending to 30 nautical miles (56 km), containing some exceptions for Waco Regional Airport nearby.
President Bush normally flies in and out of TSTC Waco Airport (the former Connally Air Force Base that is now owned by state technical college) on Air Force One and is shuttled on Marine One to the ranch.
[edit] Protests
Protests are frequent outside the compound with one of the most prominent being Cindy Sheehan who spent several months there protesting the Iraq War.[16][17] She created a peace camp called Camp Casey by pitching a tent by the side of Prairie Chapel Road leading to the compound in 2005 and was joined at one point by filmaker Michael Moore. She announced her intention to stay for the full five weeks or until such a meeting was granted. She also promised that, were she not granted a second meeting, she would return to Crawford each time President Bush visited there in the future.[18] Several cabinet members went out to talk to Sheehan, but she refused stating that she would only talk to the President himself. Toward the end of her vigil, she said she was "very, very, very grateful" Bush did not grant her that meeting because it would have ended the momentum the peace movement gained from the popularity of her demonstrations.[19] Pro-Bush supporters set up an alternative Camp Reality across Prairie Chapel Road.[20]
[edit] Future of the ranch
Alberto Gonzalez and his wife with the Bushes at the ranch the day before Gonzalez resigned as United States Attorney General
Speculation about the future of the ranch has been stirred up in the location of the George W. Bush Presidential Library with reports that the Bushes may be considering a residence in the Dallas, Texas, area after the Presidency.
Baylor University in Waco made a bid for the library. However, on February 22, 2008 it was announced that Southern Methodist University in the Dallas enclave of University Park, Texas, would house the George W. Bush Presidential Library.
Laura is said to have told reporters they are considering buying a home in Dallas, and rumors have circulated that it would be the enclave of Highland Park, Texas.[21]
The Wall Street Journal quoted an unnamed White House official: "They'll have their place in Crawford. He just loves it."[22] The Journal noted that in 2007 Bush had not visited the ranch as much as in prior years noting that in 2004 he visited 17 times compared with four times prior to August 2007.[23]
[edit] Gallery
George W. Bush with Colin Powell and Richard Armitage
Hosni Mubarak and President Bush and Marine One at the ranch in 2004
The President with Dick Cheney, Robert Gates, Condoleezza Rice and Peter Pace in 2006 at the ranch
[edit] References
^ CINDY SHEEHAN Guide to Bush Ranch - ntimc.org - Posted August 7, 2006.
^ Reporter's Notebook; Creatures and Creature Comforts at the President's Ranch - New York Times - August 10, 2006
^ 'Texas White House' a refuge from stress - USA Today - April 13, 2001
^ 'Texas White House' a refuge from stress - USA Today - April 13, 2001
^ Cowboys & Indians: The Bush Ranch
^ 'Texas White House' a refuge from stress - USA Today - April 13, 2001
^ Reporter's Notebook; Creatures and Creature Comforts at the President's Ranch - New York Times - August 10, 2006
^ Exchange With Reporters During a Tour of the Bush Ranch in Crawford, Texas - George W. Bush - Transcript - August 25, 2001
^ Best moment as president was catching a largemouth bass, Bush says - Seattle Times - May 8, 2006
^ No grocery, $5 haircuts - and the Bush ranch csmonitor.com
^ 'Texas White House' a refuge from stress - USA Today - April 13, 2001
^ Reporter's Notebook; Creatures and Creature Comforts at the President's Ranch - New York Times - August 10, 2006
^ Videotaped Remarks by the President for Boy Scouts of America National Jamboree - Whitehouse.gov - July 31, 2001
^ Merkel auf Bushs Ranch: Partner: Ja. Kumpel: Nein! - Politik - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten
^ The Associated Press: Bush: Listen to Generals on Troop Levels
^ this link is not working. Washington Post. Retrieved on 2007-04-08.
^ this link is not working. Retrieved on 2007-04-08.
^ [http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2005/08/16/politics/main780687_page2.shtml Sheehan Edges Closer To Bush Ranch: Anti-War Protesters Move To Site Provided By Texas Sympathizer]. CBS News/AP (2005-08-17). Retrieved on 2007-04-08.
^ Sheehan Leaves Central Texas Wednesday. KWTX.com. Retrieved on 2007-04-08.
^ Crawford Protest Photos: Camp Reality & Sheehan's Camp Casey
^ Rumors, but no sale yet for potential Bush digs – Dallas News – July 25, 2007
^ Another Downturn: Bush Souvenirs In Crawford, Texas – Wall Street Journal – August 20, 2007
^ Another Downturn: Bush Souvenirs In Crawford, Texas – Wall Street Journal – August 20, 2007
[edit] External links
July 1999: Locals Hope Bush will create a White House in Texas, from the Abilene Reporter-News
December 2000: Home on the Range, from TIME magazine's Person of the Year story on Bush
March 2001: Prohibited Area P-49 established by the FAA over the ranch and enlarged during presidential visits
August 2001: No grocery, $5 haircuts - and the Bush ranch, from the Christian Science Monitor
August 25, 2001: President Gives Tour of Crawford Ranch, a White House press release
December 2002: The Bush Ranch, from Cowboys & Indians magazine
January 2, 2003: President's Remarks on Walking Tour of the Ranch, a White House press release
July 29, 2005: Bush plans 50th ranch trip in five years, an Associated Press report published in USA Today.
August 18, 2005: Can this bike ride be Bush's tour de force?, A report in The Times concerning the visit of Lance Armstrong to the ranch.
Prairie Chapel Ranch is at coordinates 31°34′57″N 97°32′38″W / 31.582447, -97.543831 (Prairie Chapel Ranch)Coordinates: 31°34′57″N 97°32′38″W / 31.582447, -97.543831 (Prairie Chapel Ranch)
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Categories: George W. Bush McLennan County, Texas Houses in Texas Ranches Presidential homes in the United States
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May 8, 2008, 11:57PM
Jenna Bush wedding a big event for tiny Crawford
The few gift shops still open are stocked with event souvenirs
Copyright 2008 Houston Chronicle
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Dressing up for a wedding
Crawford ready for wedding
President prepares for new role CRAWFORD — Saturday, in an Oscar de la Renta gown with twin sister Barbara at her side, Jenna Bush, 26, will marry 29-year-old business school student Henry Hager at her parents' Central Texas ranch.
It's probably as close as Oscar de la Renta will ever get to Crawford.
Celebrating their marriage at the president's secluded ranch is an effective way to keep it private. The property is guarded by local law enforcement and Secret Service agents, with fencing, roadblocks, surveillance cameras, an overhead no-fly zone and more.
Undeterred, the media are sending correspondents to Crawford to cover the wedding, somehow. The usual skeleton crew of White House reporters staying in nearby Waco has been swelled by arrivals from People magazine and Inside Edition.
The wedding also is a last hurrah of sorts for Crawford. The town saw its fortunes and profile rise when Bush built his 1,600-acre ranch there. More recently, like the president's approval ratings, Crawford has fallen on hard times.
The few gift shops still open for the trickling tourist trade are stocked with wedding souvenirs, including mugs with Jenna and Henry's engagement photo.
Despite the best efforts of her parents and the Secret Service to shield her, Jenna Bush has grown up before the country's eyes, from boisterous college party girl to earnest teacher and author.
"We're both really, really excited," first lady Laura Bush said at the White House this week of herself and the president. "We're very thrilled, and, of course, Jenna is so happy, and Henry is very happy. And that makes their mother and dad really happy."
The White House is being secretive about the ceremony, secretive even by the opaque Bush administration standards.
"Be assured that there will be absolutely no readout of the wedding, whatsoever," White House spokesman Gordon Johndroe said Thursday. "This really is a private event for the family."
A few scant details
Still, some details have leaked out. About 200 guests will gather Saturday at a remote location for a security sweep and transport to the ranch.
Jenna and Henry will be married at twilight in front of a limestone altar and cross near a man-made lake on the property.
Jenna's dress is organza with embroidery, beading and a small train. Barbara, serving as maid of honor, will wear a moonstone-blue silk gown with an open back. Fourteen friends will serve in the house party, wearing custom gowns of cocktail length in shades of Texas wildflowers.
"It will be really beautiful," Laura Bush said. "This is the time when the wildflowers are all blooming. And I think it will be a very, very lovely wedding, and it will be very like Jenna and Henry. And, of course, that's what we want. We want what she wants."
Getting married at the ranch was Jenna's idea. It was a move that deprived the nation of a White House wedding. The last presidential daughter to get married at the White House was Tricia Nixon in 1971.
Even during their brief residencies in Washington, Jenna and Barbara never lived in the White House. It's not home to them. And having the wedding at the White House probably would have meant more news media presence.
"Henry and I are far less glamorous than the White House," Jenna told Vogue magazine. "We wanted something organic and low-key."
Keeping things quiet
As for the wedding, the menu, the vows and the guest list have all been guarded like state secrets. Don't bother asking about a honeymoon. (They are going to Europe.)
"It's very much in keeping with her image as first daughter from day one, when her parents made it clear they wanted to keep both their daughters out of the spotlight," said Katherine Jellison, an Ohio University historian.
It's all a far cry from "Jenna and Tonic," the tabloid sobriquet she earned after two college-era busts for underage drinking. Jellison said it's clear Jenna has put some work into improving her public image.
After graduating from the University of Texas at Austin in 2004 with a bachelor's degree in English, Jenna taught at a charter school in Washington, D.C.
In 2006, she went to work as an unpaid intern for UNICEF in Panama. During her time in the region, she traveled around Argentina, Paraguay and Panama, creating photo diaries of the stories of children and adolescents she met there. Her work sparked her book idea for Ana's Story: A Journey of Hope.
More recently, she collaborated with her mother on a children's book.
Future plans
After the wedding, Jenna and Henry are expected to settle in Baltimore, where they recently bought a $440,000 home in a historic neighborhood.
Henry, a former White House staffer and the son of the Virginia Republican Party chairman, John H. Hager, will get his MBA from the University of Virginia's Darden Graduate School of Business on May 18. He is expected to take a job at Maryland's Constellation Energy, the state's biggest power company, according to several sources. It's unclear what Jenna's plans are, and the White House isn't saying much.
President Bush, who mugged for the cameras Thursday, practicing his father of the bride walk down the aisle, is said to like the groom and has said he's proud of his daughter. The first lady said both parents are excited.
"It's a very interesting passage of life when you get to that time in your life when your child, first child is getting married — and we're getting, for us, our first son," Laura Bush said. "So it's a thrill, and we're very happy about it."
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Crawford, Texas!
Jenna Bush and Henry Hagar's Western White House Wedding
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Protest Photos: Camp Reality & Camp Casey
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Up the road from the Ranch...
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Western White House Gifts
The Western White House wedding of First-Daughter Jenna Bush and fiancé Henry Hager
May 10, 2008 will be a very busy day in Crawford. Yes, we vote that day. City and school elections will be held, but watch out for the limos and Suburbans on your way to the Crawford Volunteer Fire Station. There will also be a high falootin' "Western White House" wedding in town!
All the hoopla began last August 15th when former Karl Rove aide, Henry Hager asked President George W. Bush for his daughter Jenna's hand in marriage at Camp David behind the presidential cottage called Aspen.
Henry Hager, 29, is the son of former Virginia Lt. Gov. John Hager. Henry is due to receive an MBA at the University of Virginia about a week after he and Jenna are married. It has been reported that he will be employed by the energy conglomerate, Constellation.
Henry turns 30 on Friday and we understand a party has been planned for that evening.
We got a glimpse of how Hager nervously asked for permission to propose in and interview the President and First Lady Laura Bush gave at Camp David with ABC's "World News" anchor Charlie Gibson:
CHARLES GIBSON: And, and does the pressures of the presidency, and being under the klieg lights … does it bring a couple together or does it put strains on the marriage.
FIRST LADY LAURA BUSH: I think it really brings us together.
PRESIDENT GEORGE BUSH: Yeah. I think so too. It depends on the strength of the marriage. A weak marriage'll be torn apart by the pressures. I would suspect. A strong marriage, gets stronger.
CHARLES GIBSON: And will there be a White House wedding? Not decided yet?
FIRST LADY LAURA BUSH: We haven't decided --
CHARLES GIBSON: Gonna work it out this weekend?
FIRST LADY LAURA BUSH: [LAUGHS] Maybe, hopefully, maybe we can discuss it.
CHARLES GIBSON: Was it in the --
FIRST LADY LAURA BUSH: She just came off the book tour so we haven't …
CHARLES GIBSON: Gotten there?
FIRST LADY LAURA BUSH: Made any plans --
CHARLES GIBSON: Was it in this room that he --
PRESIDENT GEORGE BUSH: No, it was behind, Aspen, the presidential cottage. Uh, Henry came, uh, earlier in the day and said I'd like to see you. And --
CHARLES GIBSON: And you knew.
PRESIDENT GEORGE BUSH: I knew, because I'd asked Jenna earlier that if Henry ever asks you to marry him, would you say yes. She said absolutely, I love him. And he came in and, and gave a very, uh …
CHARLES GIBSON: I heard you made him sweat --
PRESIDENT GEORGE BUSH: -- adept presentation. [LAUGHS] Well, yeah, a slight bit, not a lot.
CHARLES GIBSON: How long did you make him sweat.
CHARLES GIBSON: 'Cause I have personal experience in this. [LAUGHTER]
FIRST LADY LAURA BUSH: The way you made him sweat was say yes immediately before Henry had had the chance to -- he was all prepared. [LAUGHTER] What he wanted to say, and, George just said oh, okay.
PRESIDENT GEORGE BUSH: No, I actually said you got a deal.
PRESIDENT GEORGE BUSH: Yeah. And, uh, and, he said well, he basically said -- He's probably gonna be furious at me for talking about it but he said, I've got some more -- if -- and it is my understanding -- I've got some more talking points, and I-- [LAUGHTER] He was a won -- he's a wonderful kid and … we're looking forward to --
Henry and Jenna were spotted at the McLennan County Clerks office Wednesday applying for their marriage license. You must have the license 72 hours in advance of nuptuals, so they made it official just in time for Saturday.
With the president and twin sister Barbara's (he asked her first) permission, Henry asked Jenna to marry him in August after an early morning hike to the top of Cadillac Mountain in Maine. Jenna tried to call her sister, whom Henry had already told he intended to pop the question that day, to tell her the good news, but her phone would not work in the mountains.
Henry sealed the deal by giving Jenna an engagement ring which is a Hager family heirloom. At sister Barbara's suggestion, the round diamond ring was reworked to include two deep blue sapphires.
Premier jewelers Nak Armstrong and Anthony Camargo of Anthony Nak in Austin have designed huge custom earrings for Jenna to wear to that
new stone alter that her Daddy had made for her. The earrings are described as chain encased minted iced quartz earrings with diamond details in 18-carat white gold and platinum. We hear Jenna likes to wear really big earrings and these fit her style perfectly!
Anthony and Nak of Austin
Shortly after the Austin company opened for business, they gained national media attention when they were commissioned by the Bush family to design the Bush twins jewelry for Dubya's 2001 Inaugural Ball.
The president's daughters are not the only American royalty the designer duo have adorned... media queen Oprah Winfrey is one of their top clients.
Oscar de la Renta will design the wedding dress. As Jenna Bush describes it in an upcoming article of Vogue magazine, it is "a 'very structured' organza ... gown, with embroidery and a bit of matte beading, that is 'simple and elegant' with a bit of a train but somehow 'still casual.' "
No sketches of the gown will be released before the wedding. The groom is a traditionalist and does not want to see the dress before his bride walks down the aisle.
Jenna's regular hair stylist is flying into Crawford from DC to do her hair.
Dallas high-society hairdresser Kurt Anderson will be doing Laura's hair for the wedding. His salon remains voted one of the best in Dallas. Kurt is known for his classic does.
The White House florists will be handling all the floral arrangements.
New York Post's most famous gossip colonist Cindy Adams said that Jenna's twin sister, Barbara will be her only female attendant.
Jenna does have 14 women in her House Party which will be wearing Dallas designer and family friend Lela Rose dresses. Each crinkle silk chiffon dress in spring Texas wildflower inspired shades of lavender, blue, yellow or green, will include a silver sash which matches the long "moonstone-colored shimmery gown" with a low-cut back Maid of Honor dress Rose designed for Jenna's sister, Barbara. There will be seven different colors and seven different designs some of which are from her ready-to-wear line. Each dress will be knee-length to beat the Texas heat, and include the designer's signature rosettes.
Designer Lela Rose is a long time Bush friend, whose father, Rusty, was George W. Bush's business partner at the Texas Rangers Baseball Club in the days before Bush sought political office.
The ceremony will take place outside in the country air at the Bush's Prairie Chapel Ranch at 7:30 PM. According to a local source, two hundred chairs were set up at the wedding site and adjusted to see how they would fit and how it would look.
About half of the 200 guests are family members and the rest are close friends.
Laura Bush decided not to use a wedding planner.
The tent is now up and we understand that it is both air conditioned and heated. The temperature in Crawford for Saturday is predicted to be 91 degrees, so that air conditioner should really come in handy! It's carpeted too.
The Stars at Night are Big and Bright, Deep in the Heart of Texas
According to a local source, there will be dinner and dancing under the stars and a large tent on the ranch grounds. A temporary dance floor will be installed and a live band will provide the two-stepin' music.
Dallas caterer Eddie Deen has been rumored to be the Bush's choice once again
to handle food. Eddie does bar-b-que big. I've personally tasted his culinary offerings... at a couple of August RNC fund raisers in Crawford, at both Bush and Rick Perry's Gubernatorial Inaugurations and in DC during Bush's 2005 Inauguration. (I liked his sauce so much that I stock it in my shop.)
When Eddie was asked to confirm his presence in Crawford Saturday, all he could do was to 'grin.'
I hear (not from Eddie) that there will also be a lunch served Saturday for guests at the ranch.
We hear a month in Europe, jaunting around from city to city.
According to The Baltamore Sun, Henry Hager purchased a two-story, 128-year-old row house in a lively neighborhood south of downtown Baltamore in a neighborhood nicknamed Charm City, for $440,000 according to tax records.
Neighbors say the circa-1880 red brick row house with a wood-frame storefront window is believed to have been a dry cleaners and a candy shop in previous incarnations.
It's spacious by row-house standards, at nearly 2,000 square feet, and a peek through the first-floor windows reveals that it has exposed brick walls, a fireplace and hardwood floors. But the prime piece of this real estate is in back: An attached garage in a neighborhood where parking is at a premium.
"I would move in yesterday," said neighbor Jen Kearney, who pronounced the house in "fantastic shape." She was tickled to learn who had bought it, welcoming them and whatever fringe benefits they bring.
When President Bush spoke to the US Hispanic Chamber of Commerce in March, he joked about planning the ceremony. “I had to face some very difficult spending decisions and I’ve had to conduct sensitive diplomacy. That’s called planning for a wedding,” he joked.
Bush added that his wife had him watch the comedy staring Waco native, Steve Martin, ‘Father of the Bride.’
Local limestone which matches their ranch house with a cross design. This will stay on the ranch as a permenant reminder of the wedding.
Laura Bush recently co-hosted NBC's Today Show and revealed how President Bush proposed to her:
Jenna Bush talks to Ann Curry about her new childrens book, Read All About It!, written with her mother, her upcoming wedding and fiancé Henry Hager:
Jenna and sister Barbara talk to ther mother, Laura and Ann Curry about being twins and talk about the day Henry Hagar proposed and the upcoming Crawford wedding:
I guess they were all lost in the mail!
It is wonderful that Jenna wants a private wedding, so we decided to have our own little party celebrating Jenna and Henry's wedding at The Coffee Shop in McGregor (just minutes from downtown Crawford). We will have a specially designed wedding cake which will be cut between 5:30 and 6:00 PM the evening of May 10 and served as a complimentary dessert with your meal. Who knows... we might even pop a 'Father of the Bride' movie in the DVD player!
A presidential wedding is an extremely rare occurrence and worthy of the people in our country to pause from the daily happenings of the world and rejoice!
Congratulations Henry & Jenna!
Jenna Bush's Wedding Gown OptionsFrom Tickled Pink Brides:
That Jenna Bush is one lucky bride-to-be. Her mother, Laura Bush, commissioned 12 top fashion designers to submit sketches of original wedding gown designs that Jenna could choose from for her May 10, 2008 wedding. Here's who entered the running:
1. Vera Wang
2. J. Mendel
3. Arnold Scaasi
4. Carlos Miele
5. Amsale
6. Carmen Marc Valvo
7. Angel Sanchez
8. Badgley Mischka
9. Nicole Miller
10. Lela Rose
11. Marc Bouwer
12. Oscar de la Renta
The wedding will take place at the Bush's ranch in Crawford, Texas. Since the wedding is only six weeks away, she must have chosen her gown and is probably working on alterations. Do you know which gown Jenna chose?
You are welcome to sign the Jenna Bush wedding guestbook and leave a message for the new couple.
Looking for a memento of their wedding?
Exclusive Jenna & Henry's Western
White House Wedding Commemorative Coffee Mugs, Texas Longhorn, Mouse Pad, Magnets & Buttons ONLY Available at Western White House Gifts inside The Coffee Shop in McGregor... just 6 miles from the light in Crawford.
Order online at wWw.WesternWhiteHouseGifts.com
Bush gets personal with public 5/3/2008 The Washington Times
White House Wedding Not For Me 4/22/08 PEOPLE / MSNBC
The Hoedown in Crawford 4/21/2008 New York Times
Jenna Bush's Boca Raton Bachelorette Weekend 2/27/08 People Magazine
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History and information about President George W. Bush's hometown...Crawford, Texas.
All photos copyrighted by Valerie Duty Citrano, or for those not taken by her, the original photographer .
All rights are reserved.
Please visit www.WesternWhiteHouseGifts.com For merchandise related to Crawford.
Website not in any way affiliated with The White House or the Bush-Cheney '04 Campaign.
No taxpayer funds went to develop and maintain this website other than my own!
Contact me, if you wish, at westernwhgifts@aol.com
Jenna Bush & Henry Hager Wedding Photos
May 11th, 2008 at 6:19 am
» by Meg in: Across the Nation, Celebrities, Jenna Bush
Jenna Welch Bush wed Henry Chase Hager on Saturday, May 10th, making her the first daughter of a sitting United States president to marry in 16 years.
The pair exchanged vows just before sundown in a lakeside ceremony at the secluded 1,600-acre Prairie Chapel Ranch in Crawford, Texas. The altar was a specially crafted 4 foot limestone cross and altar that will undoubtedly stand through the decades as a permanent landmark.
In the president’s weekly radio broadcast on Saturday morning he said:
This is a joyous occasion for our family, as we celebrate the happy life ahead of (Jenna) and her husband, Henry,” the president said in his weekly radio broadcast Saturday morning. “It’s also a special time for Laura, who this Mother’s Day weekend will watch a young woman we raised together walk down the aisle.”
The president escorted the bride to the altar while 200 invited guests, including family and only the closest of friends, witnessed the ceremony. Henry Hager’s brother, John, was his Best Man.
Jenna, 26, wore an Oscar de la Renta gown. Barbara Bush served as her twin sister’s maid of honor. She wore a dress of moonstone blue shimmer with a silver sash. First Lady Laura Bush’s deep turquoise “mother-of-the-bride” gown was also designed by Oscar de la Renta, who is reportedly a friend of the family.
The bridal party included 14 bridesmaids who wore custom made gowns in hues of blue, green, yellow and lavender to mirror the Texas landscape and wildflowers. The men dressed in suits rather than black tie, another indication that the bride wanted a comfortable, not stuffy affair.
The party following the ceremony included dancing to the sounds of wedding singer Tyrone Smith, aka Super T. The wedding festivities actually kicked off a day earlier with a rehearsal dinner and after party on Friday evening, which was also Henry Hager’s 30th birthday. Undoubtedly, this important milestone was also part of the evenings celebration.
The last sitting president’s child to marry was Dorothy Bush Koch, Jenna’s aunt, who wed in 1992 in a Camp David ceremony. Jenna and Henry opted for an intimate family wedding instead of a much heralded White House extravaganza that would have put them on the world stage.
We’ve got some additional photos below that have been released by the White House.
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Interesting and informative post. I was just looking for one of the finest San Francisco wedding venues because my daughter is getting married next month. I am going to try my best to make this day one of the best ones of her life. Anyways, it was a good post.
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