"We Are Mad As Hell And We The People Of America Are Not Going To Take It Anymore!"
"We the People"
"545 vs 300-million"
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"We the People are as Mad as Hell: Are we becoming a Banana Republic?"
by The Funbobbasso's Channel
"If the lefties/liberals/progressives don't tap into the people's anger, the right-wing tea baggers will...and are.
But the tone, the anger will get more support - more than the tepid response of the "hopers." Meanwhile, the past and current Obama supporters are still "hoping" while the tea baggers are calling for action.
Watch the video: "We the People Stimulus Package"
I'm so fed up with the system of government here. I'm furious about the Supreme Court giving equal First Amendment rights to corporate America. Going forward corporate America can spend millions…billions…to lobby the thieves and vagabonds in congress and the senate. Forget fair elections. The wealthiest will win.
So far I have refrained from posting my disappointments in the Republican Party everyday just for my own peace of mind. But the pile is too deep now and I so disgusted that some venting needs to be done on a big scale.
Instead of voting "no" on everything, which keeps others from progressing, why don´t the Republicans just opt out of Medicare, Social Security and science-based drugs and electronics.
While Republican businessmen complain about green energy alternatives, the Chinese are out getting control of the rare earth metals used in all of them.
As a young man I chose between candidates based on three things, namely the issues, my political philosophy, and the qualifications of the individuals. Now this is impossible because the Republicans have fallen into the hands of pathological liars.
As a last resort Obama´s critics find something wrong with his scheduling of the Copenhagen visit. Turns out he chose that time because the Chinese were going to be there at that time.
Is it something new that the Deep South is so heartless?
The man who fixed my hot water heater, obviously reflecting local conservative views, incorrectly lambasted Obama´s health plan for cutting social security. Lacking either a retirement or health insurance, he is looking forward to Medicare to get two detached retinas fixed. Is he being consistent?
The Republicans are good at exploiting some people´s religious superstitions and fears of big government.
I think the Blue states should secede from the Union if the Red states continue to block social progress and to teach creationism instead of science. They are holding us back at least 100 years.
I turned on one news station after another trying in vain to get an update on the status of the health bill in the Senate. Instead, I heard endless interviews with opposing Republicans. Where´s a Democrat to get news these days?
The working poor, who obviously greatly outnumber the wealthy, could dominate American politics if half of them did not vote against their own financial self interests for reasons of religion. All the wealthy have to do is toss the religious poor a bone and they vote along with them, and it is a small bone at that. What have the Republicans ever done for the working poor except manipulate them?
Somewhere along the way the Republicans abandoned honesty in their statements and commercials.
It makes perfect sense for the wealthy individuals and corporations to dominate one of the political parties, currently the Republican Party. But why do the commoners join them?
The news media tries to make everything a debate, even evolution and the climate threat, both of which have solid scientific foundations and are beyond debate."
CONTINUE ARTICLE:"We the People are as Mad as Hell Are we becoming a Banana Republic"
"We Are Mad As Hell And We The People Of America Are Not Going To Take It Anymore!"
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