What's Your Big Idea for Change in America? Ideas for Change in America is a crowd-sourcing competition that empowers citizens to identify and build momentum around the most innovative ideas for addressing challenges our country faces. To change this country, we're counting on Americans from every walk of life to get involved. Tell us how an experience in your life showed you something that is right or something that is wrong with this country -- and share your ideas for how to make it better. An American Movement, We the People! What's Your Story? We're counting on citizens from every walk of life to get involved. Share your experiences and your ideas -- tell us what you'd like the Obama-Biden administration to do and where you'd like the country to go.
I am looking for help in organizing a march on Houston's City Hall for Health Care Reform. We will march from North, South, East, and West areas of Houston, merging on City Hall. Whether you support public option or single payer and many other issues that face America today, please support our We the People cause, It's time We the People fight the special interest groups. It's time for the American middle class to stand up and be heard. The Supreme Court has ruled in favor of big business and insurance companies have stopped running anti-reform ads. They believed they've won. We will fight back, We the People will make our stand, NOW! We will not, we cannot, go quietly into poverty and silence, our forefather's America is at stake, our children's America is at stake. We fought for justice in the 60's, now it's time for We the People of all ages to once again stand up and come to the aide of all Americans!
“Whether or not you have health insurance right now, the reforms we seek will bring stability and security that you don't have today.
This isn't about politics. This is about people's lives. This is about people's businesses. This is about our future.”
- President Barack Obama
Premiums, Profits, and the Need for Health Reform The White House